Crane Lifting Operation


Crane Lifting Safety

Disclaimer:  "Crane lifting" operation notes has been prepared to help the students who want to make their carrier in the occupational health and safety field (SABIC). It is not legal advice. It is not intended to replace the OSHA regulation or OSH regulation.


Crane plays a vital role in material handling. It is prominent among the hazardous equipment too. Unsafe handling of the crane may lead to disastrous consequences by way of human injury, damage of assets, and environmental damages. Most of the incidents involving cranes are caused by failure to observe basic safety rules and acceptable work practices.

What is the minimum Crane lifting Safety?   

The following guidelines shall be followed in all crane activities to ensure the safety of all personnel and equipment. 

  • All crane operators shall be competent and certified by a third-party. 
  • The crane operator has to be certified to operate the specific type of crane he intends to operate 
  • The crane shall have a valid certification issued by a competent authority. The sticker indicating the date of the expiry shall be displayed on the cab. 
  • Inspection certificate and load test certificate issued by a competent authority / third party shall be available in the cab. 

lifting hazards and precautions


The operator shall be familiar with the following 

  • Safety devices and controls. 
  • Lifting signals and communication 
  • Safe lifting practices. 
  • Lifting tackles and colour coding 
  • Distance judgment 
  • Use of fire extinguishers and first aid kit 
  • Worksite rules and work environment 
  • Emergency contact person. 


The rigger shall be familiar with the following,

  • inspect slings, shackle and colour coding.
  • Calculate the load by dimension,
  • Make sure the load is secured and balanced
  • Never walk under the suspended load,

  • Keep proper communication to the operator,
  • Check the wind speed before the crane lifting(32 km/hr.)

What is the minimum requirement of crane lifting?

Before starting the crane lifting operation, it should be ensured that the crane has undergone routine inspection and make sure that... 

  • The crane should be positioned on the firm level ground, away from the edge of a pit, bank, or slope with adequate clearance for the safe movement of boom and load. Steel plates of adequate strength or wooden skids should be placed below the outrigger floats to disperse the load if the ground does not appear to be firm (It should be a minimum of 200% of the outrigger diameter) 

  • The outrigger shall be extended fully and tires cleared off the ground. 
  • There shall be a clear view between the operator and the signaler (Rigger/banks man) with 
  • the mode of communication familiar to both. 
  • Lifting tackles shall be tested and certified with a competent person or authority every one year or as per customer requirements.   
  • No one shall be permitted to be inside the barricade while the crane is in the operation except rigger. 
  • Communication shall be always maintained between the operator and rigger 

  • Unauthorized persons are not allowed to operate the crane or give signals

  • Load chart, lifting plan in the English language to be available in the cabin.

  • Permit to work system, job safety analysis and risk assessment
  • The radius should be barricade and post signage
  • Sling and shackle should be inspected,

What are the Unsafe Practices during Crane Lifting?

The following unsafe practices (misuse/abuse) shall not be permitted during crane lifting

  • Overloading or improper loading unloading
  • Pulling / pushing / dragging the load (the crane is meant only for vertical lifting) 
  • Persons riding on the load or hook 
  • Driving the crane with a lifted load 
  • The operator leaves the seat when the load is in the lifted position or controlling from outside the cab. 


In what situations Lifting operation shall not be done? 

  • The load exceed the rating capacity
  • The load is not securely rigged/slewed 
  • Lifting tackles is unacceptable. 

  • The rain, snow, fog, or dust obscures visibility and there is a strong wind, dust storm, or thunder & lightning (wind speed allowed only 20miles/Hr) 

What are the most common hazards of crane lifting?

  • Contact with powerline
  • Overturn,
  • Sling break (load fall)
  • Mechanical failure,
  • Struck with load,
  • Caught between,

What are the causes of crane lifting accident?

  • Unsecured load
  • Load capacity exceeded,
  • Uneven ground,
  • Lack of communication between rigger and operator,
  • Lack of training, supervision and training,
  • Inadequate maintenance or inspection

What is the Load Chart?

A load chart is used to know the rated capacity of a particular crane (not net capacity) of a calculation of boom length, boom angle and working radius.

What is the Safety Factor in crane lifting?

Percentage of safe working load by a calculation of a crane capacity at work radius, and total load.

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