Work Permit is a written document, authorized to perform an inspection, maintenance and construction activity in the restricted area
work permit - 2


Who must sign a work permit issuer or receiver certificate?

Work Permit is a written document, authorized to perform an inspection, maintenance and construction activity in the restricted area signed by the authorized issuer and accepted (signed) by the contractor receiver. 

The following condition shall cancel the work permit:                                    

  • If the work is not started within two hours after issuance of a permit,                                       
  • Change of the work environment condition e.g. gas release, hydrocarbon spillage,        Injury or accident during the execution of work,                                       
  • When an emergency alarm is sounded, 

What is the responsibility of the work permit receiver?

  • Joint site visit with the issuer to assure that the condition and precaution are satisfactory   for the work
  • Discuss the hazards and precaution to the issuer 
  • Permit receiver understand the requirement, PPE, to be used and other  precaution given in the permit
  • The permit receiver is responsible to “ take two” means take two minutes before the job start and talk to a worker about hazards, precaution, access, ppe, tools and what is mention in the permit.  
  • Cannot leave the site without endorsement to reliever permit receiver, 
  • Keep a hard copy at the site all time, displays a visible location 
  • Stop the activity if the condition is changed          
  • Completion of the work, close the permit to the same issuer                                    


 Before closing the work permit, 'permit receiver' make sure that:

  • All person has withdrawn from the worksite, 
  • All tools and equipment have been removed, 
  • All opening has been closed/ secured or barricade to prevent unauthorized access,  
  • The workplace should be left clean and tidy,

How many types of work permits are there in SABIC? 

  1.  •   Hot work permit 
  2.  •   Cold work permit 
  3.  •   Confined space entry permit 
  4.  •   Electrical work permit and 
  5.  •   Radiography work permit permit

How many types of Certificate are there in SABIC?

  1.  LOTO certificate 
  2.  Lifting certificate 
  3. Vehicle movement certificate 
  4.  Excavation certificate 

New work permit procedure likely to implement from March 2021 in SABIC affiliated plant, there are eight types of a permit in SABIC, three certificate and one hazards assessment and control form 

 (new procedure)

Work Permits are: 

  1. •   General work permit
  2. •   Hot work permit 
  3. •   Electrical 
  4. •   Confined space entry permit 
  5. •   Excavation permit  
  6. •   Radiography permit 
  7. •   Lifting work permit 
  8. •   High pressure jetting permit 


Hazards assessment and control form is a mother which required for all permit and  certificate except for confined space permit that is required formal JSA 

 Three certificates (work plan) are: 

  1. •   LOTO (lockout Tagout) 
  2. •   Lifting plan and 
  3. •   Excavation clearance 

Hazardous assessment and control form (new procedure) are:

  •  Required for all work permit except confined space entry permit, 
  •  Identification of risk and control measure

  • Issuer and receiver record risk rating at the backside of hazardous assessment and control form, 

  • The validity of this form is one week 

Work permit

1. Genera work permit: 

Activity that does not create enough heat or sparks to ignite flammable gas air mixer or flammable material e.g. vehicle entry into the non-hydrocarbon area, work at height, flange tightening, gland packing, installation and removal of blind, plant area cleaning, visual monitoring, vibration or noise testing, plumbing work, changing lamps in the building etc. 

 2. Hot work:   

any activity capable of supplying ignition source whether necked flame or possible spark e.g. cutting, grinding, welding, brazing, soldering, internal combustion engine, use of spark-producing machinery, flash photography, using mobile and laptop, hot tapping etc. 

 The requirement of hot work activity: ‐ 

•   Hot work permit and (hazardous assessment and control form in a new procedure) 

•   Gas test, 

•   Trained and certified fire watcher and fire extinguisher, 

•   Isolation of flammable and combustible material within 15 meter 

•   Fire hose 

•   fire blanket ( for spark contained) 

•   Proper lighting and ventilation, 

•   Proper PPE, 

•   Drainage and catch pit cover with a fire blanket 


 3. Electrical work permit: 

Live electrical installation, testing and measurement, repairing, replacing, modifying. Working  near electrical system enough to expose the worker to any electrical hazards, working on 


•   Electrical permit and ( according to new procedure hazardous assessment and  control form) 

 •   Proper PPE, 

 •   Insulated tools, 

 •   LOTO 

 •   Trained worker 

  •   Proper instruction and supervision, 

  •   Fire extinguisher 

   •  Hot stick 

  •   Proper grounding 

 4. Confined space entry permit

Confined space is any enclosure space having a limited means of access and egress and not designed for human occupancy and presents serious hazards to occupants such as tank,  vessels, manhole, pits, excavation more than 1.2 meters in depth. 

 Critical confined space 

1.  Working with an engulfment material 

2.  Vertical entry more than 1.5 meter 

3.  Floor that slopes downward and prevents the standby man from keeping eye contact with entrants or require more than one standby man 

4.  Excavation more than 3 meter 

5.  Excavation within 15 meters toxic or hydrocarbon process 

6.  Excessive temperature in leading to heat stress 


•   Energy Isolation (LOTO) 

•   Line break (blinding) 

•   Decontamination, purging and cooling 

•   Gas test 

•   Confined space entry permit, JSA and risk assessment                

•   Hole watcher(standby man or entry attendant) with log sheet and air horn 

•   Proper instruction and supervision 

•   Trained worker 

•   Rescue plan 

•   Ventilation plan 

 •   P& id 

•   Blind list 

•   Barricade and signage (DANGER – CONFINED SPACE – ENTRY BY PERMIT ONLY) 

• 24-volt lighting 

•   Electrical equipment 110 volts with gfci ( ground fault circuit interrupter) 

 Hazards of confined space:‐ 

•   Oxygen deficiency 

•   Presence of flammable gas, vapour and dust 

•   Presence of toxic gas like h2s (hydrogen sulfide) and co (carbon mono oxide) 

•   Slip trip and fall hazards 

•   Engulfment 

•   Snake biting 


5. Excavation work permit: 

Exaction means any activity where the surface of the ground is penetrated starting from 10  cm depth

 Requirement of excavation

•   Excavation permit, excavation clearance and (according to new procedure hazardous assessment and control form) in old procedure only hot or cold permit and  excavation certificate is required 

 •   Gas test 

 •   Confined space entry permit if the depth is more than 1.2 meter 

 •   Barricade and signage 

 •   Sloping, benching and shoring if depth more than 1.2 meters to avoid a cave-in 

 •   Routine access and egress 

  •   Countersignature 

 A hazard of excavation:‐ 

 •   Cave in 

  •   Presence of toxic gas 

  •   Oxygen deficiency 

 •   Slip, trip and fall hazards 

 •   Drowning 

 •   Contact with the underground facilities 

6. Radiation work permit: 

Radiation or radiography is used to check the welding integrity, emit of alfa, gamma and beta the particle may pose a risk to the health of those who expose the radiation dose. 

 The radiation safety officer (RSO) is responsible for the survey of radiation level around the source, 

 Controlled area:‐ 0.75 millirem (7.5 mSv) 

 Requirements of radiography 

  •  Get a radiography work permit  

 •  Use dosimeter  

  •  Barricade area with yellow and black tape and put radiography signage 

 •  Evacuate the area and safe distance should be calculated 

 •  Use TLD (thermoluminescent dosimeter) 

 Hazards of radiation 

•   Hair fall 

•   Cataract 

•   Damage genetic material (DNA) 

•   Cancer 

•   Skin burn 

•   Radiation sickness 

7. Lifting  Permit

 A lifting plan is required for all types of lifting using crane, 

 The requirement of crane lifting:‐ 

  • Lifting plan, lifting permit and hazardous assessment and control form ( in old the procedure need hot work, lifting movement and lifting certificate) 
  • Gas test:‐ conduct gas test by the authorized gas tester to make sure that LEL is zero and no toxic concentration and oxygen level is between 19.5% to 23%, 
  • Trained, certified and authorized operators and riggers 
  • Valid crane inspection sticker, 
  • Barricade and signage, 
  • Fire extinguisher and crane should be grounded, 
  • The load is calculated and people are evacuated, 
  • No one allowed to work under a suspended load, 
  • Wind speed not more than 32 km per hour 
  • Proper lighting and space for lifting, 
  • Outrigger fully extended and off the wheel 

8. High pressure jetting work permit: 

For High-pressure water jetting and sandblasting,


 1.  Open the permit 

 2.  Evacuate the area, barricade and post signage 

 3.  Proper PPE ( including dust mask and earplug) 

 4.  Use barrier and curtain wall to isolate the blasting and jetting operation from other  workers 

 5.  Trained and certified worker( minimum 3 years of experience) 

 6.  Proper hose management and equipped with whiplash arrester 

Hazards of high-pressure activity; 

 •   Hose rupture 

 •   Flying object 

 •   Fluid or sand penetrates the skin 

 •   High dust concentration 

 •   High noise 


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