Can mobile phones affect your health?


Can mobile phones affect your health?

Do you really know what is the health effects Of use a Mobile?

cell phone user

Let the person who does not have or use a mobile raise their hand. Any? The truth is that it is increasingly difficult to find a person who does not have a Smartphone.

The mobile has become an essential and indispensable element in the life of any person. It is leading to a negative effect on health, an example of this is the problems they cause to fall asleep.

Today we are going to try to investigate a little more about this topic. Let's start!

Hazards of Mobile use 📱

There are some hazards of excessive using or improper using of cell phone

Exposure to radio wave harmful:

Emit non-ionizing radiation when in use. Excessive use of Mobile without earphones can cause heating and lead to cell damage.

Mobile phone increase stress levels : 

Being constantly listening to the sound of WhatsApp messages, calls, new emails or any notice from the dozens of applications that we have on our mobile can cause nervousness and stress.

Problems falling asleep : 

You will have problems falling asleep instantly, it is that the lights of the mobiles can alter our biorhythms and cause disorders in sleep and rest.

Vision problems : 

One of the negative consequences of the digital age we are living in is the appearance of new diseases derived from these advances, among these is digital visual fatigue. This ailment is the result of the effort of the eye to read on a small screen. In addition, the LED light can cause damage blurred vision, double vision, burning and dry eyes, eye fatigue etc.


The constant use of mobile phones causes damage to the joints, especially the hand. It can also lead to neck and upper back problems.

Health hazards of Mobile use

Control measures to use mobile phone

Today is a good time to put these tips into practice and help our body to be healthier.

If you know the negative effects of your mobile to affect you as little as possible, you can carry out a series of practices to minimize them, such as:

Clean the phone : 

it is a practice that we do not usually carry out, but you have to know that the mobile phone is usually a carrier of many germs that we later transfer to our face or hands. Clean it from time to time and keep your immune system a little more virus-free.

Watch your posture : 

When you're glued to the phone, watch the posture you adopt and try to correct it to prevent pain.

Sleeping without a mobile : 

Before going to bed, do not use your Smartphone to help you fall asleep and reduce stress levels.

Use headphone

Reduce the heating of ear cells

Due to the stimuli from the mobile, the brain does not enter the state of relaxation necessary to sleep properly, causing insomnia.

Insomnia, anxiety and muscle aches, among the health consequences of abusive mobile phone use.🙏🙏🙏

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