Keto and weight loss


Keto and weight loss: The ketogenic diet (KD) is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan that shares many similarities with low-carb diets. This diet involves drastically reducing fat. This decrease puts the body into a metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens, the body converts all fat into energy. It also converts fat into ketones within the liver and reduces blood sugar and insulin levels. This along with the increase in ketones provides numerous health benefits.

Disclaimer: Overall, the evidence suggests that the KD can be an effective tool for weight loss. However, it is important to note that the KD is not a magic bullet, and it is not suitable for everyone. If you would like KD, muniriyathsse (safety zone) suggest to consult your doctor first. They can help you to determine if the diet is proper for you and to develop a safe and effective plan.

One of the key features of a low-carb or keto diet is how fat consumption is addressed. Newbies to the keto diet often wonder “how to eat more fat”, “which snacks are higher in fat” or similar questions, as they want to make sure they are eating “enough” fat on the keto diet.
The role that fat plays in the keto diet is often not well understood, especially when it comes to weight loss. Knowing what fat can (and can’t) do to help you lose weight and improve your health will help you make the best decisions on your path to success.

Many of the misconceptions that people have about the keto diet are born from this idea since many people think that when following this diet you have to consume much more fat than before. Although we can’t talk about what each person does in real life, clinical studies show little evidence about it.

Keto and weight loss easy meal plan

A ketogenic diet is an effective way to lose weight and reduce risk factors for some diseases. Research shows that the ketogenic diet outperforms commonly recommended low-fat diets. What’s more, the goal of the diet is so you can lose weight without counting calories or keeping track of your calorie intake.

There are many reasons why the ketogenic diet is better than low-fat diets, including increased protein intake, which provides numerous benefits. Increased ketones, decreased blood sugar levels, and improved insulin sensitivity may also play a role. Are you on the keto diet, but struggling to reach your fat content? If so, you’re not alone. It might seem like fat would be easy to get more of, but not when you consider the goal is 70-75% of your daily intake of calories being from fat.

With the keto diet, a common misconception is that you have to eat fat to burn body fat. But if we analyze it well, this may not be so. Those of us who have followed very low-calorie diets know that it is often possible to lose body fat by eating very little fat. What happens is that often this way of living is neither pleasant nor can it last over time.

Much of the confusion about this myth stems from not distinguishing between dietary fat (the fat you eat) and body fat (the fat under your skin and around your organs). If you intend to lose weight or improve insulin resistance, your goal should be to access your body fat and use it for energy, not simply burn the calories you just ingested.

An important step in being able to burn body fat is to reduce insulin levels: Insulin is a hormone that tells your body to keep stored fat “locked away”, so having low insulin levels can help, and a lot, to burn fat.

Dietary fat has very little influence on insulin levels in the short term. And by itself, adding fat to your diet does not lower insulin levels. To lower insulin levels, you have to eat in such a way as to decrease the number of calories or carbohydrates you eat—or, perhaps more effectively for some, reduce both calories and carbohydrates.

Keto diet for weight loss

Is the Keto diet effective to lose weight fast? Dr Isabel Beltrán explains what the keto or ketogenic diet consists of, and how to follow it. If you are a healthy person and follow our instructions, the keto diet can be your ally to lose weight fast.

“When a patient comes into my office and tells me they want to follow a Keto diet, I am interested to know why they specifically want to follow this diet. Most of the time, what he wants is to lose weight fast. It is not the only possible diet to lose weight in a short time, but I believe that if you are a healthy person, the Keto diet can help you lose weight fast.”

In any case, since there is a lot of confusion and controversy around this diet, I will tell you a little more about the Keto diet so that you can decide if it may suit you or not. The problem with thinking that you have to add extra fat to your diet to burn body fat is that fat has a lot of calories—even if you eat it in small amounts. If you keep your insulin low by eating fewer carbs, but your calorie intake from eating too much fat is higher than you need, you end up with excess calories.

And what will be the result? That you will lose a limited amount of body fat. This may not be the case for everyone, as for many eating fat helps them feel full, which in turn prevents them from consuming too much fat. However, for other people, the opposite can happen and they easily overeat calories from the fat that is present in oils, butter, cream, nuts and other rich options.

By eating protein foods needed to build muscle and maintain metabolism, you’re often also eating dietary fat. Eggs or meat, for example, are rich in protein, but they also contain a certain amount of fat.

However, it is also important that you include enough fat in your diet so that you can enjoy what you eat and that your daily calories are not too low. Thus, cooking with oil or butter or adding salad dressings usually provides the appropriate amount of fat to make you feel full, while, on the contrary, fat bombs as a dessert can mean excessive consumption.

About the keto diet for weight loss

It is a ketogenic diet, also called ketogenic, it is a diet in which carbohydrates are very limited so that the body has to resort to fat to obtain the energy it needs to function, which helps to lose weight. Carbohydrates, which is what is most restricted in the keto diet, are found in cereals such as bread, rice and pasta, as well as in legumes and even in vegetables and fruit, which also contain them.

That doesn’t mean it’s a high-protein diet. They do take in a little more protein than on other diets, but it’s not significant. What increases the most is the proportion of fats. On the Keto diet, carbohydrates, which normally represent 50-60% of the total calories consumed daily, go down to 5-10%. Foods rich in fat, on the other hand, come to represent 70-80% of total calories, while proteins move in a range of 15-20%.

Dietary fat indeed helps regulate appetite, but if you want to lose weight and are hungry between meals, instead of thinking, I must take more fat at my next meal, you should first make sure that your meals contain, above all, good servings of protein and fibre-rich vegetables.
There is a lot of evidence indicating that protein and fibre have a greater effect on satiety than fat.

Dietary fat is very rich, but it does not contribute much to the nutritional content of a meal and, although it is true that we need a few essential fatty acids, the required daily amount is very low.

Plus, fat has nine calories per gram, more than double that of protein or carbohydrates (which have only four calories), meaning fat packs a lot of calories into a very small amount of food. Although fat does help you feel full by slowing digestion and stimulating hormones that tell you to stop eating, these effects of fat may not be as potent as those of protein. Visit the National Library of Medicine for more knowledge about KD.

Keto diet benefits

Keto and weight loss journey

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Carbohydrates, Calories and Insulin

One way to access stored fat and use it for energy is to reduce total calories below your daily energy needs. However, for some people, reducing calories in all macronutrients is not enough. In this case, a diet low in calories but high in carbohydrates may not lower insulin levels enough for the body to easily use body fat for fuel. At this point, we don’t know enough and can only speculate why some people fail to lose weight by cutting calories.

With reduced calorie intake, your body would have small amounts of fuel from food, and access to stored fuel (body fat) would also be restricted. This energy limitation can result in exhaustion and a constant feeling of “hunger and rage,” which is how we feel when the body struggles to find the energy it needs to get through the day.

Another proven method for losing body fat is to focus specifically on cutting carbs, rather than restricting calories across the board. Carbohydrates (except fibre) are converted to sugar when digested, which can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar and an immediate, significant increase in insulin levels. In these circumstances, insulin is low, so your body can access stored fat. And besides, your body needs energy because you are eating fewer calories.

Why you may eat less on a low-carb diet

This seems to contradict the findings of clinical studies, in which participants who have to follow low-carb diets typically end up eating fewer calories, but report feeling fuller. The fat content of these diets is often thought to be the cause of this phenomenon, but under these circumstances, the protein density of the diet is usually increased as well: participants consume more protein per calorie than before. This can be a very powerful way to reduce overall caloric intake.

Additionally, ketosis has been shown to reduce hunger. What mostly drives ketosis is not consuming more fat, but keeping carbs and calories low: in these studies, absolute fat intake doesn’t seem to increase much (see table above). As carbohydrates and total calories are greatly reduced, the percentage of calories from fat increases, but the absolute amount of fat eaten does not have to change drastically. Also, like most diets, low-carb diets restrict the consumption of sugary and starchy foods, such as desserts, chips, or cookies, which cause you to want to overeat.

By avoiding these items, sources of dietary fat will likely shift from foods made of carbohydrates and fat (fried or sweet starchy foods such as chips or bagels or sweets such as doughnuts) to foods made of protein and fat (steak of beef or chicken with skin on) or for fibre and fat (buttered broccoli or salads with high-fat dressings).

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Food safety zone


In a review of 13 randomized controlled trials, the KD was found to produce a small but significantly greater reduction in weight, triglycerides, and blood pressure, and a greater increase in HDL and LDL cholesterol compared with a low-fat diet. There are several mechanisms by which the KD may promote weight loss.

  1. First, the KD forces the body to burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. This is because when carbohydrate intake is deficient, the body enters a state of ketosis, in which it produces ketone bodies from fat. Ketones can be used for energy by the brain and other tissues.
  2. Second, the KD may help to suppress appetite. This is because the high-fat content of the diet makes people feel full, and the low-carbohydrate content helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, which can help to reduce cravings.
  3. Third, KD may improve insulin sensitivity. When insulin sensitivity is high, the body is better able to use glucose, which can help to prevent weight gain.

Pros: Keto and weight loss

  • Can be effective for weight loss
  • It may help to improve insulin sensitivity
  • May help to reduce appetite
  • May help to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes

Cons: Keto and weight loss

  • Can be difficult to follow
  • May cause fatigue and nausea
  • Not suitable for everyone, such as people with kidney disease or pregnant women

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