Microwave vs Radio Wave


Microwave vs Radio Wave: first you need to know, what is meant by “electromagnetic field (EMF)”? The answer to this question will have to be found in the physical characterization of the “Electromagnetic Spectrum“. It is found that this spectrum is divided into 2 parts: The one corresponding to “ionizing radiation” and the second to “non-ionizing radiation”. In this blog today muniriyathse (safety zone) will discuss only none ionizing radiation such as Microwave vs Radio waves and the Harmful effects of mobile phones on human health.

Radio waves and microwaves are very important to us because they are used for communication. Both are at the long-wavelength end of the electromagnetic spectrum.

  • Radio waves have wavelengths from 1 m and up. The frequency at 1 m is 300 MHz.
  • Microwaves have wavelengths from 1 mm (millimetre) to 1 m. The frequency at 1 mm is 300 GHz.

Microwave vs Radio Wave radiation

We use radio waves and microwaves to communicate without wires. This is great as we can move around and live our lives while staying in touch. Radio waves are produced by a vibrating electrical current in an antenna… …then electromagnetic waves spread out……and are then received by a small antenna inside a device, which detects the small amount of current created by the radio waves.

(Note: Some people say that microwaves are just one type of radio wave, so under that classification radio waves have wavelengths from 1mm and up.)

Radio Wave Transmission

Waves have a frequency range of 3 kHz to 1 GHz. These waves are easy to generate and can travel long distances. These waves are omnidirectional, meaning they can travel in all directions. They are widely used for communication between interiors and exteriors because they have the property that they can penetrate through walls very easily. These waves are typically used for AM and FM radio, television, mobile phones, and wireless LAN. The device can then decode the signal and you can see or hear what was sent.

Microwave transmission

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with a frequency range between 1 and 300 GHz. These can travel over long distances. These are unidirectional, meaning they can only travel in a straight line. At very high frequencies it cannot penetrate walls. These waves are generally used for one-to-one communication between sender and receiver, Radar systems, aircraft navigation and microwave ovens.

Microwave ovens use electromagnetic waves at a frequency of 2.45 GHz (wavelength of about 12 cm) that cause water molecules to vibrate rapidly and heat up. The magnetron creates microwaves, which are sent in different directions by the stirrer, and bounce off metal surfaces.

You are cooking by heating the water in the first few inches of the food. That’s why many recipes say to let the food sit for a while (so the heat spreads evenly). Microwaves can also heat us and can damage our cells. Never use a damaged microwave oven.

Is the radiation from cell phones harmful?

The cell phone is a widely used device by people of all ages and in all parts of the world. Among the studies carried out regarding cell phone radiation’s effects on the human body, there is no consensus. Visit: OSHA

For this reason, it is necessary to analyze the theoretical references about the side effects of phone radiation (radio wave radiation) on human beings and identify a set of actions that contribute to reducing cell phone health risks to this type of radiation.

The general objective is to provide information to the user about exposure and effects of excessive use of mobile phones and to warn about the health risks of mobile phones can cause and the consequences that they could trigger in the future. Radiation can negatively affect humans, especially through prolonged exposure.

In the new millennium, with the development of technology, the ways of communicating have changed. Using a cell phone is an everyday experience for most young people, many of whom have up to two cell phones. The evolution and use of cell phones have increased. It is estimated that there are approximately 6.2 billion cell phones in use worldwide.

The world population will be 7,800 million inhabitants and the use of mobile devices will generate. 98 per cent of mobile data traffic; these devices are present inside the home, and public places with cellular technology for data transport with 4G and 5G technology based on LTE (Long Term Evolution).

Cellphones, powerlines, WIFI, and 5G satellites are a fact of life today. We live with more EMFs in our environment than ever before… And they are taking their toll. Here are just a few of the known symptoms of EMF exposure:

Microwave vs Radio Wave

Cell phone radiation health effects research

Cell phones use electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the radio frequency (RF) range, and there is concern about the health effects they could cause. The amount of RF energy a person is exposed to depends on many factors, including time, distance, signal traffic, amount of data, phone model, and more.

There is some evidence of an impact of RF on reduced sleep patterns: from the beginning of the process to the period of rapid eye movement (REM). Among the best-known effects of the thermal effect occurs when the radiation has the energy to stimulate an increase in temperature, which is measurable and can also produce changes in cardiovascular metabolism, endocrine function, and the nervous system, among others.

The safety standards for the population are based on respecting a threshold of exposure to RF, to prevent its effects from altering people’s behaviour. There is evidence that some electromagnetic fields (including RF) impact the nervous system at levels where no heating effect is expected.

In some studies, rats exposed to RF have performed worse spatial memory tasks. It has been suggested that this situation may be related to biochemical changes in the opioid system. Non-thermal effects occur when the wave energy is insufficient to raise the temperature above the normal temperature fluctuations of the biological system under study. There is evidence that prolonged low-intensity exposures are potentially harmful.

Electromagnetic radiation below 1 mW/cm2 does not produce significant heating but rather induces electric currents and fields in the tissues, which are measured in terms of current.

Hydrogen sulfide safety training

Why Does EMF Radiation Harm Us?

Here’s the thing… our bodies run on electricity. You probably don’t think of it that way, but it’s true… Electrical signals between your neurons carry messages to your brain. Your heart, muscles, and organs all run on electricity, too.

In addition, electricity vibrates at different frequencies… and that’s true of your body as well as your cell phone, laptop, and fridge. You’re sending out electrical “vibes” from every organ, every cell of your body.

So what happens when there are conflicting charges and vibrations all around us, 24/7?EMF radiation causes damage at a cellular level. It creates oxidative stress, which is what ages your body’s DNA.

How does the overuse of the mobile affect your health?

“radiofrequency disease” is described for the first time, as an asthenic syndrome: which presents fatigue, irritability, headache, nausea and anorexia. In addition to the dystonic syndrome that presents cardiovascular: changes in heart rate and blood pressure and diencephalic syndrome: drowsiness, insomnia, and sensory disturbances.

Likewise, there is a risk of contracting cataracts, changes in the electroencephalogram, and an increase in the appearance of some types of cancer such as lymphomas, associated with chronic exposure with an increase of up to 2.4 times in the risk of brain tumours. In 1996, a study by the Australian Government indicated that 200 m from a mobile phone station, exposed people had chronic fatigue, allergies, sleep disturbances, etc.

I comment because our ancestors in a greater proportion had a greater life extension than at present, and I tell you that the electromagnetic field that before did not exist in a greater proportion, as they penetrate the molecular state of their body with various frequencies, affecting the biorhythmic, biochemical state of our energetic aura and matter.

Since it is made up of neuroelectric nerves their reaction affects the state of mind or neural behaviour of the body. brain, and at one time an experiment was carried out with an egg where it was affected, due to its approach to an emitter of electromagnetic waves.

Characteristics of the radiation they emit and effects

Mobile phones, unlike conventional ones, have a small emitter-receiver incorporated, this device allows you to connect with the emitter-receiver antenna that the mobile phone network has installed in various points of a city, and in this way can communicate with another phone.

Communication between the telephone and the antenna is carried out using electromagnetic waves, artificially generated by both devices. Once the waves have reached the nearest antenna, it transform them to pass to the conventional telephone network. The antennas (base station antennas) create around them an electromagnetic field or a space in which their radiations act.


In recent years, cell phones have become one of the most commonly used technologies by millions of people around the world and allow greater exposure to electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation that could trigger serious long-term health problems in the population.

In the case of minors whose tissues have more water and can accumulate more energy that can produce physiological effects on cell metabolism and neurotransmitter functions, among others, with this background it is worrying that people ignore the effects that excessive use of mobile phones could have on their health.

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