Safety at home tips


Safety at home tips are always helpful since we all like to live in a safe environment. It is also reassuring to know that we are properly protected from the risk arising from the hazards around us whether safety at work or safety at home. Both purposes are easily achievable if certain precautions are taken. That’s why we bring you the blog topic Safety at home tips.

Safety at home tips

How many times a day someone asks us: “How is your family? It would be very satisfying if one could always answer, with all truth: “Very well”, “Wonderfully”. There is nothing greater that a man can ask for than good health and family. Good health is one of the most precious assets a person can have. Join with muniryathse (safety zone) to learn more about health and safety.

Safety at home tips and work

In this plant, in our workplace, there is a lot of safety talk. Supervisors often give talks about hazards and precautions. Safety posters and announcements are hanging on the walls. Those with enough experience in the field also have plenty of suggestions on how to do the job without getting hurt.

After the work finishes, workers go home, where there is probably no safety talk, no safety signs and – certainly not. My dear friends, the sad reality is that far more workers are injured and killed off the job than on the job. Statistics have proven that at least two out of every three accident fatalities occur when people are not working.

I am not your beast of a plant supervisor, nor can I tell you what you should and shouldn’t do when you leave here. In addition, the company has no responsibility for any accidents that occur to any of you once the shift is over. Then the one who suffers a serious injury outside of work, the organization could not expect payment of compensation.

We want you to come back safe and sound tomorrow, ready to continue your work and earn your wages. So today our toolbox talks about safety at home tips for off-the-job safety that I urge you to take as friendly advice.

Importance of safety at home

First of all, the American Safety Council has found that the worst traffic accidents occur at dusk. That means that the danger intensifies when the worker leaves the plant to go home, whether on foot, by bus, or by driving his vehicle. Usually, it’s already dark or the sun is starting to set, so visibility isn’t very clear. Unless we take special care, we will be exposed to suffering or causing one of those accidents that occur – at dusk – between cars and pedestrians.

If we walk – be it a short walk to the bus stop, or get off the bus and walk home – keep in mind that the drivers of other vehicles cannot see very well in the semi-darkness of twilight, or in the dark of night. That is why you have to cross the street only in the sections indicated for that purpose.

Let’s take the precaution of looking both ways before crossing the street. Be especially careful when passing by parked cars, or through parking lots, as this is the time when many of these will begin to move and the driver may not see us.

Going to work is something we have to do on our own. I can’t direct them out there on the street, nor does the company have to compensate them if they get injured on the street. But both the company and I want you not to get hurt. We want it so that you can work without absenteeism, without lying in a hospital.

Safety at home and outside

So when you go home at this time you should take double and triple precautions, because at this time motorists can see less and it is up to you to protect yourself. Walking well is better than talking a lot when it comes to saving a life.

So I think I have a certain right to advise you on how to stay safe and sound when you have to walk in traffic. Even if you take a long walk or take a shuttle and then have a short walk to the plant, always take the best and safest route.

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For example, if you have to cross a busy street or highway, try to cross it at the safest corner. This can be a corner where there are traffic lights or a traffic officer. But it is a safe corner only if you obey the lights or the man directing traffic. If you go against the signs, it is the most dangerous corner, because it is where the motorist has the most reason to believe that he has a clear path.

If there are no signs or services, remember that, in any case, any corner is better to cross than the street. Because that is where the motorist expects pedestrians to cross. You will be more careful, between the corners you have full right of way and hope you don’t have to stop.

If we drive, let’s do it alert. The streets are most likely to be crowded with cars and pedestrians, especially at this time of shopping. There will be pedestrians coming out of factories, schools, warehouses, playgrounds, etc. Many of them will be old people and children. Some will not act with the best judgment, then it is up to us to ensure their safety by remaining vigilant at all times behind the wheel.

Whether we drive a car or walk, it is worth keeping in mind that: It is better to get home safe and sound, than to gain a few minutes trying to go fast. That’s the kind of rush that will send a friend, or ourselves, to the hospital instead of home.

But let’s take those same thoughts and precautions home with us. If we do so from now on, we can assure you that we will enter the New Year or celebrate marriage ceremony or festival with family with better safety prospects than we enjoy in the year that is ending.

Child safety at home tips

If you read or hear that there is polio, smallpox or fever in the neighbourhood, you get afraid. Children are not allowed to go to the river to bathe or to the movies alone.

All this is fine. All this deserves respect and recognition for concerns. Doctors tell us that today’s children are healthier than yesterday’s and that this care has been prolonging the average human life. This is largely due to the way parents care for their children’s well-being.

More children die annually from accidents than from congenital diseases or disorders. And what do we do to avoid it? Very little. It seems a paradox that the parents are precisely the ones who create danger when they give their lives to help their children and contribute to their well-being. But how are your defences against the biggest murderer, the worst invalidator that sneaks into the bosom of the family: accidents?

Accidents kill more children than all communicable diseases combined. Accidents in the home kill many people as in industry. These deaths, these injuries are the result of fires, drowning, car accidents slips, falls, poisoning, etc. They happen in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the garage, on the sidewalks, in the streets, on the playgrounds, on the highways, on the walks, in the swimming pools, and wherever there are people.

What can you do? There are no vaccines against accidents. Children do not show any symptoms when they are going to be victims of an accident. Accidents “just happen.” You know that these accidents are caused and there are a few things that you can do to prevent them.

Apply the safety rules that you follow at work, at home, and in the family. If you stop to think, the rules that are followed in this plant regarding fires and accident prevention are nothing but common sense. For the same reason, they will serve in their homes as well.

How many poisons are stored on shelves? Bleaching liquids, bleach, ammonia, detergents and insecticides are stored here. All these substances must be kept under lock and key so that young children cannot get to them since their first instinct is to try what they taste like, with the disastrous consequences that this means.

When using a saucepan with a handle for cooking, care must be taken so that it does not protrude from the stove, as a child could bump into it and spill its contents, probably resulting in second and third-degree burns. Knives and other pointed utensils should not be left on tables within reach of children.

When the person finishes using them, they should be washed and placed on high as a preventive measure. Also, knives, ice picks or scissors should not be left in the kitchen drawers, along with other utensils, since trying to look for one, in particular, could cut the person.

Child safety at home

Never leave young children alone:

  • Toys and utensils used to play
  • They must not have sharp edges or pointed angles.
  • They must not be made of toxic materials.
  • They must be large enough not to be swallowed.
  • They must not present a danger of suffocation or choking (plastic bags, coins, buttons, etc.
  • Candies and trinkets must be small so that their ingestion does not pose a threat.

Keep out of the reach of children:

  • Stoves, braziers and any source of the fire.
  • Lighters matches or other utensils that allow you to light fires or produce sparks.
  • Cleaning products.
  • Cosmetics
  • Sharp objects

Avoid playing in dangerous places such as:

  • Stairs, windows, balconies, etc.
  • Deep holes, wells, ditches, etc.
  • Pool edges
  • Next to bars, forged or places where they can be trapped by the head, neck or any extremity.
  • Next to doors that, when opening or closing, can cause damage to the hinges.
  • Proximities of kitchens.
  • Near chimneys.
  • They should also be kept away from the iron and other electrical appliances when they are being used.

Health and safety at home tips

Things such as keeping walkways and stairs free of tripping hazards, not using unsafe tools or ladders, treating cuts and scrapes immediately, pointing out poisonous substances, storing flammables in safe places, and respecting the machinery in motion. And so many other things.

Another place that offers many risks is the bathroom. Only harmless medicines or utensils should be left on the cabinet or shelves. Anything that could be my risk, such as razors or electric razors. Scissors and medicines, such as aspirin or painkillers, should be kept in a locked cabinet, out of reach of children.

SHEM-08.01 General EHSS Rules

The garage is another place where risks abound. Generally, everything that is not wanted in the house goes to the garage. There are rickety chairs, velocipedes, bicycles, rakes, shovels etc. And, also, gasoline, kerosene, and other highly flammable chemicals.

And the worst of it is that nobody supervises the garage and it is a magnet that attracts all the guys. The only way to avoid accidents in the garage is to put all those things on high shelves or in locked cabinets so they can’t be reached by the wrong people.

In the living room, for example, exposed electrical outlets, dangling lamp cords, slippery rugs, objects on the floor or furniture blocking the way or with dangerous protrusions. But, according to the authorities in the matter, the kitchen is the most dangerous place in the house. First of all, we have the gas and the cabinets under the sink.

  • If the house has land around it or a yard, other hazards may include ponds or waterholes, nailed boards, and slippery surfaces. Spilt objects are also a great hazard because anyone can trip over them, resulting in serious injury and even death.
  • Implement railings and anti-slip. They are often crucial to prevent falls. Installing guardrails and anti-slip strips on steps or other areas that are prone to slippery will reduce the chances that you or your children will fall. Likewise, seeking to prevent them from falling down the stairs or entering risky areas such as the kitchen or basement, putting barriers or bars for children will be useful.

What we have said is not a complete list of the risks of the home, but they will serve to alert parents by imposing a little Security in the house, thus avoiding having to go through a painful experience that may then be irremediable.

Make your safety program outside of work. Involve the family in a plan to live safely. Have a quiz for the kids. Give prizes to whoever comes up with the best ideas and plans to make your home a safer place to live. Read as much material as you can on accident prevention. Be vigilant against all risks surrounding your home, old or new.

Home accidents are the biggest threat to your family’s health and well-being. Always remember this when you leave work, every day and every evening.

Electrical safety at home tips

Teach children to live safely by setting a good example. Home safety is like job safety, a habit, a state of mind, and a way of seeing life. Like all habits and attitudes, your children learn from you. An adult who practices safety in her life is the best guarantee for children to live safely.

In other parts of the house, electrical outlets should be covered, bare electrical cords taped or replaced; store matches and lighters in a safe place; store firearms and ammunition in a locked cabinet and dispose of broken toys

  • Place plugs in high places or, if this is not possible, install guards that prevent children from putting their fingers in the plugs.
  • Carefully read the instructions for electrical appliances and use them correctly.
  • Place electrical appliances in such a way as to facilitate the ventilation of the motors.
  • Do not plug in appliances that have gotten wet until you are sure they are completely dry.

Fire safety at home tips

Install smoke detectors. It is not only convenient to install them in the kitchen but throughout the house since a fire can start anywhere or due to some carelessness. With this in mind, consider installing them in the ceilings or soffits of your home, or checking their current condition and determining if they need maintenance. The important thing is to prevent incidents that threaten your home.

Pay attention when cooking. In a second of distraction, a child could suffer a burn. Therefore, while you are with the burners or the oven on, make sure that the child is in another area, sitting in his chair, for example, or previously close the access to the kitchen.

In the same way, explain to your children in simple terms the dangers that fire represents, and remind them of this warning whenever necessary. Educating your family about it is crucial to prevent accidents at home.

Fire safety

  • Know possible escape routes.
  • Know the location of homemade fire extinguishers and their handling.
  • Cut off the electric current and the gas supply.
  • If possible, remove combustible or flammable products close to the fire.
  • If you try to put it out, you must be between the fire and the escape route.
  • Do not use water on an electrical fire
  • Close the doors on your way out.
  • Crawl if there is smoke.
  • If the stairway is full of smoke, stay in your home.
  • Do not leave the hot iron on the clothes.
  • Do not bring stoves and braziers close to curtains, stretcher skirts, beds or any other domestic material susceptible to burning.
  • Do not cover lamps and light bulbs with cloth or paper.

In case you cannot leave the house because of the fire:

  • Lock yourself in a room.
  • Shout “fire, fire, fire” from the window to get help
  • Cover the door slots, preferably with wet rags to prevent smoke from entering.
  • Show yourself through the window.
  • If your clothing catches fire, don’t run. Lie down on the ground and rollover.
  • Similarly, if you see someone whose clothes have caught fire, lay them down on the ground cover them with a large blanket or similar and squeeze until the flames are out.
  • If your hair catches fire, quickly cover your head with a damp cloth.


Concluding Your Home Safety Tips

Your home should be a haven of comfort and peace, a place where you can relax and recharge without worry. But ensuring that safety takes proactive effort. By implementing essential safety tips, you can transform your living space into a fortress against accidents, hazards, and unwelcome intrusions. So, as you wrap up your discussion on home safety tips, remember to drive home these key takeaways:

1. Proactive Prevention is Key:

  1. Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: These are your silent guardians, sounding the alarm before danger takes hold. Regularly test and replace batteries, and ensure everyone in the household knows their escape routes.
  2. Fire Extinguishers: Having the right type of extinguisher readily available can make a critical difference in containing a small fire before it escalates. Train everyone on proper extinguisher use.
  3. Electrical Safety: Faulty wiring and overloaded outlets are fire hazards. Regularly inspect cords and plugs for damage, avoid overloading outlets, and unplug appliances when not in use.

2. Banishing Physical Hazards:

  1. Slippery Surfaces: Wet floors, throw rugs, and loose cords can all lead to tumbles. Keep floors dry, secure rugs with grip pads, and tidy up cords to create a hazard-free path.
  2. Falling Objects: Unsecured shelves, bookshelves, and cabinets pose a risk. Anchor furniture to walls, avoid overloading shelves and use safety latches on cabinets to prevent unwanted openings.
  3. Stairway Safety: Install railings on both sides of staircases, ensure proper lighting, and keep the steps free of clutter to prevent slips and falls.

3. Preparedness:

  1. Emergency Plan: Discuss and rehearse a family emergency plan for fire, natural disasters, or power outages. Have a designated meeting place outside the home and ensure everyone knows how to contact emergency services.
  2. First-Aid Kit: Keep it readily accessible and ensure everyone knows its location and how to use basic first-aid supplies.
  3. Security Measures: Invest in basic security measures like strong locks, good door reinforcement, and a security system to deter potential intruders.
Remember, safety is a journey, not a destination. By incorporating these tips and fostering a proactive approach to home safety, you can create a secure and comfortable haven for yourself and your loved ones.

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