Falls struck by object caught in between


Falls struck by object caught in between workplace hazards known to cause the most worker deaths and permanent damage among the “fatal four” hazards of the construction industry is called to OSHA. The accidents by these hazards on the job site are often serious or fatal for the construction worker. They are life-threatening workplace hazards present on the construction site.

  1. Falls,
  2. Struck by an object,
  3. Caught in between and
  4. Electrocution,
Falls struck by object caught in between

We are going to discuss the top three on this list fall struck by objects caught in between. To learn more about these “Fatal Four” types of construction accidents. Construction workers make vital contributions as skilled professionals in various specialities, and they do so in the face of well-recognized hazards in the workplace.

Falls struck by object caught in between workplace hazards

Over time, employers and others in the construction industry have not only widely recognized the risk of falls struck by object caught in between accidents, but there has also been an identification of those workers who face the greatest risk of serious or fatal injury in construction.

The majority of fatal hit-and-run injuries involve motor vehicle accidents. Here, death can be the result of any type of motor vehicle entering the construction site and being involved in a collision. These accidents often involve construction vehicles and heavy equipment used on the site.

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The most dangerous type of workplace for fatal accidents involving construction workers is working at height. The workers who face the highest risk of death on the job are due to falls.

The workers sustain the most non-fatal dropped object injuries in accidents involving solid building materials, power and non-power hand tools, and scrap/trash/debris. Construction workers are most likely to sustain non-fatal strike-through injuries.

For any construction worker at the site, you must remain vigilant and aware of the extremely high-risk environment in which you work. Every day workers face serious injury or death in a variety of ways. The construction industry is well aware of the variety of hazards involved in falls struck by object caught in between incidents, but employers are notorious for putting profits over people and allowing workers to risk harm.

Falls from height

Falls from a height can occur in jobs that involve great risks among the four fatal falls struck by object caught in between and electrocution, and this fall occurs in a vacuum and can be fatal. Up to heights that at first sight are not dangerous. As a general rule, from 1.8 meters it is considered that there is a risk of falling from a height. This minimum height can be found in construction and building work, as well as in a mechanical workshop or even in the cleaning sector.

In construction, falls from heights are avoided by installing auxiliary means such as scaffolding, work platforms or protective walkways. In other cases, these installations are not possible, such as work at height in communication towers. To prevent a fall from a height, workers opt for individual protection equipment such as a safety harness.

This summer there have been serious injuries to construction professionals for reasons as simple as falling from an 8-meter-high ceiling during the construction of a villa in Madrid. A fall that has ended with suspension trauma and possible hip fracture and abdominal trauma. A bad fall can mean more than a temporary loss, it can mean death if the blow is severe or in an area of the body such as the head.

Falls at the same level

Falls at the same level are present in all occupational risk prevention plans since it is a common risk and it happens easily. In construction, there is a risk of falling at the same level since no height is required for this.

Let’s imagine a toilet that in an emergency runs to the entrance to receive a patient, he can slip and fall abruptly to the ground. This fall is considered to be at the same level. A wet or humid ground, a thick foundation or a simple trip can cause a bad fall.

To avoid this type of fall, preventive measures can be applied focused on personal protection equipment such as non-slip safety shoe that adapts to the surface to provide a consistent grip. In addition, signage can be applied, if the area is wet signage it to avoid slipping. If the ground before entering is irregular, indicate it and try to improve its condition to carry out the work safely.

For more fall hazards visit OSHA training and fall hazards recognition PPT

What is struck by object?

There is a distinction that is best explained by looking at the key factor in deciding between a caught-in-between and a struck-by object: If the impact of the object alone caused the injury the event is considered a hit. On the other hand, when the injury is created more as a result of crush injuries between objects, the event is considered trapped.

Struck by an object is one of the leading causes of permanent injury or death on the construction site Fatality. Studies have shown that certain types of hazards kill construction workers time and time again. Even though employers are aware that workers are vulnerable to these deadly hazards on-site. Three falls struck by object caught in between among the four specific construction site injuries are notorious for causing fatalities across the industry.

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), these “fatal four” include falls struck by object caught in between and electrocution incidents collectively labelled “Construction Focus Four” by safety specialists. Of these four, “struck by object” injuries are one of the deadliest types of accidents threatening construction workers on the job.

These accidents are usually serious and often fatal. In October 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that construction sites stuck by the objects are not only the leading cause of disability on construction sites, but they are also the second leading cause of most common death for construction workers on the job

Within this category of bodily injuries, “struck by object” accidents involve a variety of risks, categorized into one of four types:

  1. Struck by a flying object
  2. Struck by a falling object
  3. Struck by a swinging object and
  4. Struck by a rolling object.

Workers need to be aware of the ever-present risk they face of serious injury in a struck-object accident, understanding that this can happen in four different ways:

Struck by a flying object

Flying object hazard exists when something has been thrown or is being propelled through space. This can include instances where a piece of material detaches from a tool, machine, or other equipment, striking a worker and causing injury or death. In addition, a hazard exists if an object is ejected with energy by a tool or equipment generally designed for that purpose, such as a nail from a nail gun.

Struck by a falling object

A struck-by-a-dropped object accident occurs when the source of the injury falls from an elevation to a lower level, including cases in which the injured person is crushed, pinned, or trapped under an object. Falling, other than collapsed material or structures resulting from being struck by a falling object or equipment.

Struck by a swinging object

When materials are lifted mechanically, they have the potential to swing and strike workers. As the load is lifted, the materials may sway, twist, or rotate. This movement can strike workers and they can be struck by the swinging load. Windy conditions are especially dangerous because the load will swing more.

Depending on where the worker is standing and the force behind the load, the worker may fall to another level after being struck and suffer even greater injuries. In addition to swaying, loads can slip off their rigging and strike workers. This includes cases where a hinge-like movement retracts creating a swinging motion in which the worker is struck by a blow or swinging motion.

Struck by a rolling object

Struck by a rolling object is when an object is rolling, moving, or sliding on the same level as the worker. Includes cases in which the worker is struck or run over by a moving vehicle without being trapped under it.

For example, a worker was struck by a tractor-trailer and dragged to death. Construction worker sustains fatal injuries after being struck by a moving truck while loading/unloading a load. A construction worker flagging traffic and hit by a truck.

For more struck by objects visit OSHA training and struck by hazards recognition PPT

What is caught in hazards?

The struck objects caught in between always make me confused. OSHA explains that the distinction between these two types of accidents is whether or not the impact of the object on the victim’s body was the only cause of their injury.

If so, then it is considered a “bump” accident. It is when the victim is injured as a result of being crushed between two or more objects that the accident is labelled a “caught in between” incident. Caught-in-between hazards are the third fatal among four fatal falls struck by objects caught in between and electrocution.

Injuries result from a person being squeezed, trapped, crushed, pinched, or compressed between two or more objects, or between parts of an object. This includes people who are caught or crushed in the operating equipment, between other crushed objects, between a moving and stationary object, or between two or more moving objects. Construction workers are at risk of serious or fatal injuries in accidents classified as caught in between that include:

  1. Cave in (excavation wall),
  2. Being pushed or caught in machinery and equipment (this includes strangulation as a result of clothing caught in running machinery and equipment) and
  3. Being pinched or crushed between rolling, sliding, or moving objects, such as semi-trucks and a dock wall, or between a truck frame and a lowering hydraulic platform.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are approximately 143 fatalities involving workers in the workplace due to being caught in a running machine. This translates into the sad reality that one in five worker deaths occur in the construction industry.

Don’t get caught in between

  • Caught between a vehicle and an object – These accidents are often the result of being caught between a moving construction vehicle like a forklift and a solid, inflexible object like a structure or wall. They can also be the result of being struck by a swinging device such as a crane.
  • Caught in unattended machinery – These accidents occur when a construction worker’s clothing or body part becomes caught in an unguarded portion of a powerful machine.
  • Caught Between Objects – These accidents often involve falling objects catching construction workers or involve construction workers being thrown from vehicles and caught between objects in the process.

For more caught in hazards, visit OSHA training and Caught in Hazards Recognition Training PPT.

Prevention measures of falls struck by object caught in between hazards

The three falls struck by object caught in between among “Four Fatal Hazards” known as OSHA’s “Focus Four Hazards” in the construction world may be the leading cause of injury and death in the industry, but safety personnel can lessen these threats and keep their workers safe with good planning, awareness, and equipment of adequate personal protection.

In the construction industry, falls struck by object caught in between hazards are present every day in the workplace. To better understand and avoid these types of hazards, workers must first be able to identify them.

Hazard recognition

Your company’s OSHA OSHA-competent person will have performed a site analysis for each job. Familiarize yourself with the hazards, and potential hazards, that you will encounter on the site. Keep in mind that the dangers you face are not fixed. As work progresses, hazards may change and new ones may emerge. Use a risk assessment or job safety analysis for hazard identification and control measures.

Equipment safety

Never use a piece of equipment unless all guards are in place and properly adjusted. Make sure rotating or moving parts are properly guarded. Be sure to wear the correct PPE for the job and avoid loose clothing or any other items, including bracelets or necklaces that could get caught in the machinery.

Keep your distance

If you are not the one operating a team, stay away from it. If you are too close to a machine, you could be caught between the equipment and a stationary object such as a wall, barrier, or other equipment.

Stay out of the turn radius of the equipment, the operator may not be able to see it. If you must approach a piece of equipment, make eye contact with the operator and use a clear hand signal to show you are approaching the machine.

Respect the barricades and signage

Areas unsafe for pedestrian traffic will be barricaded and posted signage. Make sure the barricade is properly maintained and avoid walking within the designated area.  Signal personnel can also be used to identify unsafe areas. If at any time you notice that a barrier has fallen, is loose, or is damaged, please report it as quickly as possible so it can be repaired or replaced.

Monitor the movement of materials

When materials are moved overhead, there is a risk of a load being placed on a part of the body or the body becoming trapped between the load and a wall or structure. Always work a safe distance from the load and be sure not to get between the load and your resting place.

Preventing falls saves lives

Despite being accustomed to reading the word “fall” in occupational risk assessments, it is not given importance. However, many professionals have perished due to the lack of PPE or auxiliary means of protection.

Falls, whether at the same level or a different level, can be avoided and stopped being one of the most common causes of accidents at work. Companies must pay the same attention to risks such as breathing harmful substances as the possibility of falling from a ladder.


Although it seems like common sense to never position yourself between a piece of equipment and a stationary object, it’s easy to find yourself in unexpected danger when you’re focused on the job at hand. With that in mind, here are some tips to avoid being fall struck by an object caught in between accidents.

  • Follow OSHA guidelines and safety regulations.
  • Wear the recommended all required PPE
  • Train employees in work and safety protocols.
  • Follow the risk assessment or job safety analysis
  • Don’t move with an obstructed view
  • Secure materials properly to avoid fall hazards.
  • Do not work under a suspended load or line of fire.


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