Electrical Safety Training


Electrical safety training is based on SEC (Saudi electrical company), which is committed to protecting people, the community and the environment by seeking to manage the risks inherent during operations. SEC is committed to incorporating the HSE operational excellence into its day-to-day activities to achieve and sustain excellent performance in reliability, efficiency and profitability while adhering to Health, Safety, Security, and Environment standards.

SEC is committed to the HSE operational excellence fundamentals is an integral part of business where leadership actively integrates safety into business strategies, processes, and performance measures to build a strong safety culture. Safety Zone (muniriyathse) describes through the topic “Electrical safety training “the dangers of working with electricity and basic electrical safety hazards.

Electrical Safety Training

You will learn how to identify, evaluate and mitigate electrical hazards. Your employer, coworkers, and community will depend on your expertise. Start your career right from the beginning, learn safe practices and cultivate good safety habits. Safety is a very important part of any job. Do things right from the start.

Whenever you work with power tools or electrical circuits, there is a risk of electrical hazards, especially electric shock. The risk is greater at work also because power tools are used in many occupations. Electrical trade workers must pay special attention to electrical hazards because they work with electrical circuits. 

Electrical Safety Training Examples

Contact with electrical voltage can cause current to flow through the body, resulting in electric shock and burns. This can cause serious injury or even death. Since electricity is a normal part of our lives, we generally do not take proper precautions. As a result, every year an average of one worker per day is electrocuted while performing their tasks.

The severity of injuries caused by an electric shock depends on the voltage and the time it takes for the current to pass through the body. For example, 1/10 of an ampere (amp) of electricity passing through the body for just 2 seconds is enough to cause death. The amount of internal current that a person can tolerate and still be able to control the muscles of the arm and hand may be less than 10 milliamps (mill amperes or mA).

Electrical Shock

If the current is greater than 10 mA it can paralyze or "freeze" the muscles and, when this occurs, the person cannot let go of tools, cables or other objects. If you cannot let go of the tool, the current continues to flow through your body for longer, which can cause respiratory paralysis (the muscles that control breathing cannot move). You will stop breathing for some time. Some people stopped breathing when receiving shocks of voltages as low as 49 volts.

In general, around 30 mA of current is sufficient to cause respiratory paralysis. Currents greater than 75 mA cause ventricular fibrillation (very rapid and inefficient heartbeats). This disorder causes death within minutes unless the victim is saved with a special device (defibrillator). The heart is stopped by a current of 4 amps, which means the heart is not pumping blood at all. Tissues burn with currents greater than 5 amperes.

High voltages sometimes cause additional injuries. High voltages can cause violent muscle contractions. If the person loses balance and falls, they may be injured or even killed if they fall into a machine that can crush them. High voltages can also cause serious burns. At 600 volts, the current through the body can be up to 4 amps and cause damage to internal organs, such as the heart.

Sometimes death can occur later from hidden injuries caused by electrical shocks. Electrical shock is often just the beginning of a series of events. Even if the intensity of the electrical current is too low to cause injury, the reaction of the person receiving the shock can cause falls, which in turn will cause bruises, fractures or even death. The amount of time the shock lasts greatly influences the severity of the injuries. If the discharge is short-lived, it may only cause pain.

A longer shock (lasting a few seconds) can be fatal if the intensity of the current is high enough to cause ventricular fibrillation in the heart. This is not a lot of current when you consider that a small electric drill uses a current 30 times stronger than it can kill. When the current is relatively intense, death is certain if the shock lasts long enough.

Dry skin can have a resistance of 100,000 ohms or more. Wet skin's resistance is less than 1,000 ohms. Working conditions in wet environments will reduce strength dramatically. The low resistance of wet skin allows the current to pass through the body more easily and the discharge to be greater. When a greater force is applied at the point of contact or when the contact area is larger, the resistance is lower and causes more powerful electric shocks.

Electrical Burn

Burns caused by electricity are the most common non-fatal injuries related to electrical shock. There are three types of burns caused by electricity:

  1. Electrical burns,
  2. Arc flash burns, and
  3. Thermal contact burns

Electrical burns can occur when a person touches electrical wiring or equipment that is not used properly or maintained properly. Generally, these burns occur on the hands. Electrical burns are one of the most serious injuries that can be suffered. Additionally, clothing can ignite and cause a thermal burn due to the heat of the fire.

Arc Flash occur when powerful, high-amperage currents arc in the air. Arcing is the luminous electrical discharge that occurs when high voltages are present in the space between two conductors and current travels through the air. This situation usually happens when there is an equipment failure due to abuse or wear and tear.

Some arc flashes have reached temperatures as high as 35,000°F. A common example of arc flash is the flash you sometimes see when you turn a light switch on or off. This is not dangerous because it is low voltage. There are three main dangers associated with arc flash.

(1) The electric arc emits thermal radiation (heat) and intense light, which may cause burns. There are three main dangers associated with arc flash.

(2) A high-voltage arc can produce a considerable pressure wave explosion. A person standing 2 feet away from a 25,000 amp arc feels an impact of almost 480 pounds of force to the front of the body.

(3) A high-voltage arc can also melt many of the copper and aluminium components of electrical equipment. The pressure wave can send these molten metal droplets great distances. Although the droplets harden quickly, they can still be hot enough to cause serious burns or set fire to ordinary clothing, even if the person is 10 feet or more away.

Thermal burns can occur if an explosion occurs when electricity ignites a mixture of explosive material in the air. This ignition may occur as a result of the accumulation of combustible vapours, gases or dust. Ignition can also be caused by overheating of conductors or equipment or by normal electrical arcing in the contacts of switches or circuit breakers.

Electrical Fires

Electricity is one of the most common causes of fires and explosions. Faulty electrical equipment or its incorrect use are the main causes of electrical fires. If the electrical fire is small, be sure to only use a "Class C" or multi-purpose (ABC) extinguisher, because otherwise, you could create an even worse problem.

All fire extinguishers are labelled with letters that indicate the type of fire they can put out. Some fire extinguishers also have symbols. The letters and symbols are explained below (as well as some tips for remembering them).

Class A (remember: Ashes) = paper, wood, etc.

Class B (remember: Barrel) = flammable liquids

Class C (remember: Circuits) = electrical fire 

Which of these are ways to protect yourself from electrical hazards?

The first part of the safety model is recognizing the dangers around you. Only then can you avoid or control the dangers. Sometimes we expose ourselves to risks, but when we have other people under our responsibility, we are more careful.

Overhead wire

Most people don't know that high-voltage overhead wires usually do not have insulating material. More than half of electrocution cases are caused by direct contact of the worker with activated high-voltage cables. When working with high voltage, special care must be taken with the dangers of overhead cables. In the past, 80% of lineman deaths were caused by hand touching a live wire.

Electrical shocks and electrocutions occur when physical barriers are not placed to prevent contact with wires. When dump trucks, cranes, work platforms, or other conductive materials (such as pipes and ladders) come into contact with overhead wires, the equipment operator or other workers can be killed. If you do not maintain the required clearance distances from power lines, you may be shocked and killed.

Maintain the 10 feet minimum distance for voltages up to 50kV. For voltages above 50kV, the minimum distance is 10 feet plus 4 inches for every 10 kV above 50kV.) Never store materials or equipment under or near high-tension overhead cables. You need to know that overhead power lines are a hazard.

Hazards from Defective Insulation

Defective or inadequate insulating material constitutes an electrical hazard. Typically, a plastic or rubber cover insulates the cables. The insulator prevents the conductors from coming into contact with each other and also prevents the conductors from coming into contact with people.

Extension cords may have damaged insulation. Sometimes the internal insulating material of a tool or appliance is damaged. When the insulating material is damaged, exposed metal components can be activated if touched by one of the internal live wires. Old, damaged, or improperly used handheld power tools may have damaged internal insulating material.

Hazard from ungrounded equipment

Metal components of motors, appliances or electronic equipment plugged into improperly grounded circuits can be activated. When a circuit is not properly grounded, a danger exists because the unwanted voltage cannot be safely removed. If there is no safe path to ground for short-circuit currents, exposed metal components of failed appliances can become active.

Metal parts of electrical wiring systems that we touch (switch plates, ceiling lighting fixtures, conductors, etc.) must be grounded to 0 volts. If the system is not properly grounded, these components can activate. Metal components of motors, appliances or electronic equipment plugged into improperly grounded circuits can be activated. When a circuit is not properly grounded, a danger exists because the unwanted voltage cannot be safely removed. If there is no safe path to ground for short-circuit currents, exposed metal components of failed appliances can become active.

Hazard from wet condition

Working in wet conditions is dangerous because electrical current can easily pass through. If you touch a live wire or other electrical component and are standing in a puddle of water,

In humid conditions, metal switch plates and ceiling lights that are not properly grounded are especially dangerous. You are more likely to receive an electric shock if you touch a live electrical component with an uninsulated hand tool while standing on a surface of water.

Hazard Assessment  

It is best to start by identifying all possible hazards and then evaluate the risk of injury posed by each one. Do not assume the risk is low until you have assessed the danger. Ignoring dangers is risky. Workplaces are especially dangerous because they are always changing. Many people work on different tasks. Workplaces are frequently exposed to bad weather very dangerous when it rains. The risks of your work environment must be constantly assessed. Click here to find five steps of risk assessment

Hazard control

Once electrical hazards are recognized and evaluated, they must be controlled. Electrical hazards are controlled primarily in two ways:

(1) Creating a safe work environment and

(2) Using safe work practices.

How can hazards be controlled? To control hazards, you must first create a safe work environment and second, you must work safely. Generally, it is best to completely eliminate hazards and create a truly safe work environment. When OSHA regulations and those of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 70E) are followed, safe work environments are created.

How can you create a safe work environment? It is necessary to control electrical currents so that they do not pass through the body. In addition to preventing electrical shock, a safe work environment reduces the possibility of fires, burns, and falls. You need to protect yourself from contact with electrical voltages and control electrical currents to create a safe work environment. Make your work environment safe by applying the following recommendations:

  • Treat all conductors, even those supposedly de-energized, as if they are energized until you have locked them out and tagged them.
  • Verify that power has been removed from the circuits before beginning work.
  • Lock and tag circuits and machines.
  • Prevent wiring overloads by using cables of the correct gauge and type.
  • Isolate live electrical components to prevent exposure to them.
  • Use insulators to prevent exposure to live electrical cables and components.
  • Prevent discharge currents from electrical systems and tools by grounding them.
  • Prevent discharge currents with GFCI.
  • Prevent excessive current in circuits with overcurrent protection devices.

Safe Work Practices

Electricians must follow safe work practices at all times. These practices include:

  1. Working with a partner: Always have a coworker present who can assist in case of an emergency.
  2. Planning and preparation: Plan the work carefully and ensure all necessary tools and equipment are available.
  3. Hazard identification and risk assessment: Identify potential hazards and assess the risks before starting work.
  4. Working with caution and awareness: Be aware of your surroundings and potential hazards at all times.
  5. Use insulated tools: Use tools specially designed and tested for electrical work.
  6. Maintain a clean and organized work area: This helps to prevent tripping and slipping hazards.
  7. Report unsafe conditions: Immediately report any unsafe conditions or equipment to a supervisor.
  8. Safe Work Practices:
  9. Planning and preparation: Thoroughly plan the work and ensure all necessary tools, equipment, and materials are available.
  10. Use insulated tools and equipment: Tools and equipment specifically designed and tested for high-voltage work are essential.
  11. Follow minimum approach distances: Maintain a safe distance from energized conductors based on voltage level.
  12. Ground effectively: Proper grounding techniques are crucial to prevent electrical shock.
  13. Communicate clearly: Maintain clear and consistent communication with team members and supervisors.


Create a safe work environment by locking out and tagging circuits and machinery. Once you turn off and de-energize the circuit, lock the breaker panel to prevent it from being turned back on inadvertently. Next, identify the circuit with an easy-to-read sign or label, so everyone knows you are working on the circuit. If you are working with or near machinery, you should lock and tag the machinery to prevent anyone from turning it on.

When locking out and tagging out circuits and equipment, you can use the following checklist.

  • Disable backup power sources such as generators and batteries.
  • Identify all shut-off switches for each power source.
  • Notify personnel that equipment and circuits must be turned off, locked, and tagged. 
  • Turn off power sources and lock the electrical switch panel in the OFF position. Each worker must apply their individual lock. Do not give your key to anyone.
  • Test equipment and circuits to ensure the power is off. 
  • Discharge stored energy (for example, in-capacity capacitors or capacitors) by removal, blocking, grounding, etc.
  • Attach a tag to alert other workers that a power source or piece of equipment has been locked out.
  • Make sure all persons are safe and present before opening and turning the power back on.
  • Wear correct OSHA-required PPE

Safety Protocols for Electricians Working on SEC Projects

The Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) prioritizes the safety of its employees and contractors working on its projects. To ensure a safe work environment, SEC has established comprehensive safety protocols that electricians must adhere to. These protocols aim to minimize the risk of electrical hazards and accidents. Here are some key aspects of SEC's safety protocols for electricians:

1. Training and Qualifications:

Only qualified and certified electricians who have undergone thorough training in electrical safety protocols and procedures are allowed to work on SEC projects.

Training must cover topics like electrical hazard identification, risk assessment, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), lockout/tagout procedures, emergency response, and first aid.

  • Do not touch any wires, appliances, or any other sources of electric current with a wet hand.
  • Avoid working near water or liquid,
  • Always avoid inserting metal objects into any source of electric current.
  • Conduct periodic checkups of electrical wiring to ensure electrical safety and to keep it in good working condition.
  • When disconnecting a power plug from the wall outlet, always pull the plug; not the cable.
  • DO NOT overload the electric circuit more than its rated capacity.
  • Whenever a tape is found on a wire, it must be monitored and replaced when necessary.

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Electricians must wear appropriate PPE at all times while working on energized electrical systems. This includes:

  • Safety glasses with side shields: Protect eyes from flying debris and electrical arcs. 
  • Electrical safety gloves: Protect hands from electrical shock. The type and voltage rating of gloves must be appropriate for the work being done.
  • Insulated boots: Protect feet from electrical shock and grounding.
  • Flame-retardant clothing: Protects against burns from electrical arcs and sparks.
  • Hard hat: Protects head from falling objects and impacts.
  • Hearing protection: Protects ears from loud noise levels.

3. Emergency Response:

  • Electricians should be trained in emergency response procedures, including first aid and CPR.
  • Emergency response plans should be readily available and practised regularly.
  • First aid kits and other emergency equipment should be readily available at work sites.

How do you help someone who is being shocked?

When you have made sure that the electrical current is no longer flowing through the victim, talk to them to see if they are conscious (awake). If the victim is conscious, tell her not to move. Victims of electric shock may be seriously injured but may not realize it. 

Quickly examine the victim for signs of heavy bleeding. If there is a lot of bleeding, put pressure on the wound with something cloth (such as a handkerchief or piece of cloth). If the wound is on the arm or leg and bleeding continues, carefully elevate the injured area while continuing to apply pressure to the wound.

Keep the victim warm and talk to him or her until medical assistance arrives. If the victim is unconscious, check for signs that he or she is breathing. But when doing so, move the victim as little as possible. If the victim is not breathing, someone trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should begin artificial respiration and then check to see if the victim has a pulse. It is essential to act quickly! 

If you're not trained in CPR or first aid, now is the time to get trained—before you find yourself in a situation like this. Ask your instructor or supervisor about how you can become certified in CPR. So that you can find them quickly in an emergency, you also need to know where (1) power shutoff switches (disconnect switches), (2) first aid supplies, and (3) a telephone are located.

Electrical Terminology

  1. American Wire Gauge (AWG): American Wire Gauge, is a measurement of the thickness of wires.
  2. Circuit Breaker: overcurrent protection device that automatically turns off the current in a circuit if an overload occurs.
  3. Conductor material: that easily allows electric current to pass
  4. CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation): an emergency procedure that involves giving artificial respiration and massaging the heart to a person who is not breathing or who does not have a pulse (requires training special)
  5. Current: (electrical intensity) the flow of electricity
  6. Cut off power: cut off power sources to circuits and equipment and discharge all stored energy
  7. Double insulating material: equipment with two insulating barriers and no exposure.
  8. Short-circuit current: current that is not in the intended path
  9. Fuse: overload protection device with an internal part that bends easily melts and turns off the current in the circuit if there is an overload
  10. GFCI: ground fault circuit interrupter: a device that detects leakage current from a circuit to the ground and turns off the current
  11. Grounding: physical electrical connection to the ground
  12. National Electrical Code (NEC): National Electrical Code: Comprehensive listing of practices
  13. NFPA 70E Workplace Electrical Safety Standard: This standard addresses workplace electrical safety requirements that are necessary to safeguard employees from a practical standpoint. It covers the installation of electrical conductors, electrical equipment, signalling and communication conductors and equipment, and conduction channels, excluding generating plants, substations and control centres.
  14. Ohm: unit of measurement for electrical resistance
  15. OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration: federal agency of the U.S. Department of Labor that establishes and enforces occupational safety and health regulations
  16. PPE: (Personal Protective Equipment) Personal protective equipment (eye protection, helmet, special clothing, etc.)
  17. Qualified person: someone who has received mandatory training in the hazards and in the construction and operation of the equipment used for a given task.
  18. High voltage: Nominal voltage greater than 1 kV (1000 Volts).
  19. Low voltage: Low voltage is considered when the installation distributes or generates electrical energy for its consumption. It receives alternating current equal to or less than 1 kV (1,000 volts).
  20. Ampere: Unit of measurement of the intensity of electric current, whose symbol is A
  21. Electrical circuit: Path or route of an electric current, formed by conductors, that transports electrical energy between sources.
  22. Electrical current: Movement of electricity through a conductor. It is the flow of electrons through a conductor. Its intensity is measured in Amperes (A).
  23. Electric power: It is the form of energy that results from the existence of a potential difference between two points, which allows an electric current to be established between them when they are brought into contact using an electrical conductor. It is measured in kilowatts/hour (kWh).
  24. Volt: It is defined as the potential difference across a conductor when a current of one ampere uses one watt of power. Unity of the International System.
  25. Fault current: In this case, it is the current that circulates due to an insulation defect.
  26. Ground fault: Insulation defect between a conductor and ground
  27. Double insulation: Insulation that includes both functional insulation and protective or supplementary insulation.
  28. Impedance: Quotient of the voltage at the terminals of a circuit by the current that flows through them. This definition is only applicable to sinusoidal currents


The main electrical hazards are:
  • Contact with live parts
  • Overloaded circuits
  • Damaged equipment
  • Exposed electrical parts
  • Working in wet conditions
  • Lack of proper grounding
  • Improper use of extension cords
These hazards can cause:
  • Electric shock
  • Burns
  • Electrocution
  • Fires
  • Explosions
By taking these precautions, we can all help to prevent electrical accidents and keep ourselves safe.

Remember, electrical safety is everyone's responsibility. By taking a few simple precautions, we can all help to create a safer environment for ourselves and others.

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