Safety Officer Responsibilities - Duty?



Safety Officer Responsibilities

Disclaimer:  "Safety Officer Responsibilities" has been prepared to help the students who want to make their carrier in the occupational health and safety field (SABIC or ARAMCO) in Saudi Arabia at petrochemical or oil and gas companies. It is not legal advice. It is not intended to replace the OSHA regulation or OSH regulation

What are the responsibilities of a field safety officer?

safety officer responsibilities to keep safe people, property and environment
safety signage

To know the Safety Officer responsibilities, remember what the abbreviation “MORA” represents?


O Observing,




  • Close monitoring to the workforce for unsafe acts, and behaviour or breaching the rules and regulations, 
  • Lookout for equipment and tools to make sure they are proper and right for the job,
  • Keeping a close eye on unsafe conditions to prevent a future accident,


Safety observations not count only the unsafe actions or conditions but also count the number of safe activities such as proper material stacking, clear access, adequate lighting and ventilation etc. working method and workplace arrangement. The goal of observing to make sure the workers are doing safe practice and the workplace is safe and sound. The Health and safety policy of the organization is being implemented.

How to write an observation?

  • Date, Time and Location
  • Document the observation does not matter how much little,
  • Inform the concerned supervisor for rectification,
  • Explain the cause of unsafe act and condition,
  • Decide on corrective action
  • Write down the status or timescale
  • Name and signature of the observer,
  • Acknowledged by (signature of supervisor)

Safety observations not count only the unsafe actions or conditions but also count the number of safe activities such as proper material stacking, clear access, adequate lighting and ventilation etc.
safety observation report


Reporting on workers and staff implementation of safety rules and regulation and compliance. Recommendation of award/reward for a good deed and disciplinary action against the violation. During monitoring what you observe whether the safe or unsafe act, condition or behaviour report to higher management including incident, injury, near-misses, 


Advising the workers about safe work practice, implementation of the safe system of work, positive health and safety culture, safe behaviour, use of right tools for job activities, selecting the proper PPE (personal protective equipment), emergency procedure etc. Educate the worker to update knowledge of health and safety protocols and technique. Sharing previous day observation through toolbox talk to the lead employee on various health and safety topics. Trained the employees on OSHA standard, SABIC standard, ARAMCO standard,

NOTE: Other than mentioned above field safety officer responsibilities are myth and there are just bookish things such as accident investigation.

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