what causes static electricity?


What causes static electricity?

contact and separation of two dissimilar thing cause static electricty
static electricity

  • Do you also feel 'current' while sleeping on your bed? 
  • Why do I get a shock from everything I touch?
  • How you stop static electricity?


Know the reason for static electricity

Contact and separation of the two dissimilar objects build up static electricity. Everything in the world from stone to tree and from bed to your body - is an atom in the foundation of everything.  Every atom has two things - protons and electrons. They both have an equal charge (assuming electric charge). +1 near the proton and -1 near the electron.

Do you also feel 'current' while sleeping on your bed? 

Whenever we wake up after sleeping or sitting from our bed for some time, our bed gives us a loud shock. And not softly, loudly. If you look in the dark, there is a small spark moving between the bed and us for a moment. We were shocked - what is happening? Should a man sleep to keep on jerking off? So, we said that we will know why this happens. This must-have happened to you at some time or the other. So today you should also be aware that how and why the bed hits a blow?

Why do I get a shock from everything I touch?


Protons are good children. Never leave their house. The name of its house is the nucleus. Electron is the great-devil friend of this good child. Extremely fickle. He keeps circling around his house i.e., the nucleus. And if he gets a chance, if he finds some other house i.e., the nucleus, then he also comes out. And when he gets out, the power balance in the Atom deteriorates. It becomes 'charged'. how? 

I have mentioned above that one electron  -1 and one proton  +1. If these two are added, then zero comes. Now, if an electron disappears in this case, the charge of the whole case becomes +1. In this way, the more electrons escape, the more the +1+1+1+1 charge will increase. The proton is so straight that it does not run anywhere.

Understand one thing that good conductors of electricity - such as iron and other metal such as copper - do not let their electrons go easily. That is why electrons run in them but do not run out of their boundary. Current can run in anything only when the electron is running. Conversely, those who are bad conductors (conductors) of electricity are not as serious about their electrons. Their electrons are easily lost.

sepration and contact of two dissimilar thing cause static electricty
static electricity

These poor conductors are so irresponsible that even extra electrons accumulate in them. This is the problem with dissimilar metal. When you roll a plastic comb into your hair, some electrons from it get absorbed into your hair. So, the negative charge near the comb is reduced. Then a positive charge is created on it. And this positively charged thing can pull any negatively charged thing towards itself. If the neutral body is formed and the electrons cannot be released, then its electrons will be pulled towards it. Together the body will also move. For example, pieces of paper.

One more thing, the comb does not want to live with this increased positive charge for eternity. So, it wants to equalize her charge with the first time. And the easiest way to do this is to touch it with the ground is called 'Earthing'. Earth can take any kind of charge, in any quantity. 

How does the tension of the bed increase?

What happens is that when we move on the bed, the bed starts accumulating electrons separating from our clothes (if our feet are not touching the ground). So, it starts accumulating positive charge with us. Lots of + 1+1+1+1+1+1's. The longer this movement goes, the more it charges.

Now this increased charge is desperate to get out of you. But it remains with you as long as you are sleeping/sitting on the bed. As soon as you get up, the charge is in a hurry to go back to the bed. And as soon as you touch the bed, this entire charge leaps together towards the bed. Many times, the charge is so much that it does not even wait to touch your bed. He goes to the bed through the air. And then a sparkle arises.

Do not take this glow lightly. This is exactly the same glow that occurs when lightning strikes. The charge accumulated by the movement of the bed is so much that while passing through the air, it changes from gas to plasma. Plasma matter is the fourth state of matter. This is a plasma glow.

You will also get this shock if you get up from the bed and touch any iron door, etc. Then the iron will act as a conductor and then you will be shocked.

How many volts does the shock cause?

Usually, you feel a shock only when the voltage of this charge is between 4000 - 5000 volts. Yes, you have read it right. The electric shock that hits the bed is above 5000 volts. In some cases, these shocks up to 25000 volts. (QUORA)

How you stop static electricity?

To date, hardly anyone has died due to the shock from the bed. How can one survive by eating a shock of 25000 volts? So, the answer to this is that the voltage of the bed shock is high but the amperage (ampere current is the unit of measurement) is very low. In plain language, with a lot of pressure, you feel a small amount of current. This is the same as if someone kills you with a cotton swab at great speed. You won't even do it. But if there is 1 kg weight in its place then the mouth will break.

By the way, the shock from the bed should not be called current. Well, due to low amperage, you also survive by having a loud shock. Otherwise, if you feel the current of more amperes with so much voltage, then you will definitely have to be hospitalized. Life can also be lost. With 25000 volts, there is no hair left.

Is there a way to avoid shock?

only one. From time to time keep touching your feet from the ground. Then the charge will not build. Because it will ground into the earth.

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