Hand Tools & Power Tools - Hazards & Precautions


Hand Tools & Power Tools - Hazards & Precautions

Some work activities carried out in workshops, involve the use of hand and portable tools. The use of this equipment carries certain risks, especially if you do not have adequate knowledge of how to use it. Safe use requires training, compliance with safety rules and regulations, and inspection before use.
hand saw
Hand Saw

Portable tools and machines must have CE marking, this marking indicates that they have been manufactured by the criteria mentioned and they are safe to use by the instructions by the manufacturer. Safe use of power tools requires the same as hand tools with additional precautions such as competence, supervision, and maintenance.

Hand Tools & Power Tools - Hazards & Precautions

SPECIFIC RISKS - Hand  And Power Tools:

The handling of common hand tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, pliers, grinders, drill machines, and miscellaneous wrenches is a practice common in workshops. Although at first glance they may seem not very dangerous when used improperly can lead to injuries but occasionally have some seriousness if

  • Use of unsuitable, defective, poor quality or bad tools designed. Examples loose handles, shutteredheads, blunts, etc.
  • Using tools incorrectly, misused, or misjudged by users.
  • Lack of experience in its handling by the user.
  • Abandoned tools in dangerous places.
  • Tools are transported dangerously.
  • Machine failure


Use of hand tools is necessary:

  • Use the appropriate tools for the task at hand.
  • Check, before use, that they are in good condition.
  • Keep them neat, clean, and in good condition.
  • Do not leave tools in walkways or in elevated places from where may fall. If necessary, bags, belts or trolleys should be used as tool holders.
  • Transport them safely, protecting edges and tips.
  • Hand tools should be inspected and colour-coded.
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PORTABLE: Power Tools

Portable machines are powered by a power source (electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic) such as grinders, drills, etc. They are usually more serious than those that occurred during the use of tool manuals. Power tools have additional hazards such as electricity, fuel, noise, vibration, dust, ejection, and slip trip hazards (extension cable) The most frequent accidents are:

  • Entrapment with moving parts of machines. Injuries, especially caused by the high speed.
  • Injuries caused by the power supply, that is, those derived from electrical contacts, breaks or leaks in the airline compressed or hydraulic fluid, high-pressure fluid leaks, etc.
  • Alterations in auditory function, as a consequence of the noise that they generate.
  • Osteoarticular injuries are derived from the vibrations they produce.


For the Use of Power ToolsWithy these considerations, to avoid accidents during the use of these machines or power tools, it is necessary:

  • Before use, carefully read the instruction manual.
  • Keep your hands away from the tool.
  • When changing the tool, loosening or tying up parts, the precautions to avoid cuts to hands and arms.  The machine should be stopped. It is even advisable to disconnect the machine from the power source.
  • Avoid cleaning the work area by hand. Elements must be used as auxiliaries (brushes, brushes, etc.).
  • Avoid working with a portable machine by wearing rings, watches, bracelets, neck chains, scarves, ties, or any garment that hangs.
  • It is also dangerous to wear long and loose hair. These must be gathered under a hat or similar garment.
  • Check, before start-up, that the guards are correctly positioned and in good condition.
  • Use the necessary personal protective equipment for each task: gloves, glasses, hearing protectors, apron, boots ... The manual of instructions must specify them.
  • To avoid injuries due to vibrations, it is recommended to avoid continuous use for long periods and alternate its use with other tasks.
  • Drilling, cutting metal, etc. is essential to take precautions to avoid fires and explosions.
  • We believe that there is a risk, however minimal, that it is necessary to have a portable fire extinguisher in the work area.
  • Do not adopt forced postures when using the machines.
  • Check the correct state of the power socket.
  • Make sure that the plug of the machine is compatible with the socket current used. It is not permissible to modify the plugin anyway.
  • Check the condition of the power cable (possible damage to insulation) before use to avoid Electrical shock 😲 .
  • Keep the power cord away from heat, oil, corners cutting edges, or moving parts.
  • If you are going to work outdoors and it is necessary to use cable extension, must be properly managed to avoid slip and trip hazards.
  • Do not expose the machine to moisture or rain and prevent them from penetrating liquids inside.
  • Do not use the machine in an environment with a danger of explosion, where find liquid fuels, gases, or vapours, must conduct a gas test before use. The Power tools produce sparks, even if they are not visible, that can ignite the materials in dust or vapours.
  • Control exposure to noise, dust, vibration, trailing power cable, etc.
  • Power, pneumatic, and hydraulic tools should be inspected and colour-coded. Inspection sticker posted on tools with valid date and period.


By incorporating these precautions into your routine, you can ensure that working with both hand and power tools becomes a safe and productive experience. Remember, safety is always paramount, so never compromise your well-being for speed or convenience.

Further resources:

I hope this concludes your inquiry about hand and power tool hazards and precautions.


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