How To Fast Easy In Ramadan?


The Holy Ramadan and the prevention of occupational hazards

It is better for Muslims that Ramadan (Holy month) following the lunar calendar, does not have fixed dates, each year begins about 11 days earlier than the previous one hottest summer.

Ramadan greetings
Ramadan Mubarak

Supposed to be Ramadan has started 13 April this year 2021, a month Which makes the obligation not to eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset (a challenge) as a show of piety to feel closer to Allah.

Ramadan is the second most followed holiday in the world after Christmas, 25% of the world's population practice it.

The Ramadan fast as we see is rigorous, especially during the long summer days, when Muslims can go 16 hours without eating. This tension could be extremely harmful to people with certain health conditions, but the Quran itself establishes clear exemptions for these types of cases, indicating that no one puts their health at risk by observing the fast

(for days few in number. However, should any one of you be sick or on a journey, then (he should fast) a number of other days (equal to the missed ones); and those who have the strength, (still, they do not opt for fasting,) on them there is a fidyah (compensation), that is the feeding of a poor person. Allah intends (to provide) ease for you and does not intend (to create) hardship for you.)

Quran 2: 184-185

Sometimes fasting has an adverse effect on health condition, due to not taken correct diet during fasting and not follow safety precautions to prevent dehydration.

D During this holy month, there are certain dangers to be aware of

Ø    Hazards:


During Ramadan fasting, Muslims are not allowed to eat or drink anything, not even water might be lead to dehydration.


During Ramadan due to working in direct sunlight (further losing the body fluid and salt) body temperature increased beyond the safe limit, because of the breakdown of the body heat-regulating mechanism. If not taken care it led to even die. This is called heat stroke

Low blood sugar:

Fasting can lead to hypoglycemia, leading to symptoms of confusion, slurred speech, and fainting.

Traffic accidents:

Workers are at higher risk of road accidents during Ramadan.

What are the control measures to prevent adverse effect during fasting?

Ø   Precautions:

Health surveillance:

Ramadan, a Muslim should always consult with a doctor about the safety and health of fasting in regard to his individual circumstances. Some health disorders, as we said before, can improve during fasting (hypercholesterolemia), while others can deteriorate. In case fasting could be harmful to those, there are two options according to Quran (above-mentioned Verse) for them:

  • If the dangerous situation is Acute, not chronic, you can recover the fast in another day when your health improves.
  • If it is permanent or Chronic condition, you can make a charitable donation instead of fasting. The amount should be enough to feed one person per day, for each fasting day that is missed

For Muslim workers, although there are other interesting actions to be carried out in these cases related to the organization and working conditions. These are the ones proposed by the study on the incidence of Ramadan among the Muslim population in terms of occupational health and safety:

  • Holiday periods and permits: make the holiday period coincides and provides permits in the Ramadan period.
  • Modification of the working hours: Moving working period dayshift to nightshift or plan to reduce working hour.
  • Disposition of facilities: providing of showers or places to refresh the body and heat stress rest shelter. Provide separate rest shelter such as canteen to allow to non-fasting employees to eat and drink.
  • Distribution or modification of the workload: Shifting the workload to the rest of the workers who have no fasting.
  • Increase Awareness: Post fatigue signage and dehydration
  • Job Rotation 

Dietary prevention during Ramadan fasting

  • Do not skip Suhur (Sehri)
  • Do not take sugary drinks in Future (Aftari) avoid caffeine.
  • Drink plenty of water and 🍑 fruit juice after Aftari.
  • Eat verity of food 🥑 during Futur with whole 🌾 grain.


While Iftar family members and neighbours eat together and it is the time of celebration. It is important not to forget the protocol of Covid-19 such as social distancing.

To know more about occupational health and safety visit my blog

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