Effects and Control Measures of Noise


Effects and Control Measures of Noise

Topic to discuss: 

Often, in our day to day and especially if we work in a construction site, we experience noise situations: welding machine, generator, grinding machine, air compressor, vehicle, concreate break (jackhammering) etc.  The list of noise sources is enormous and produces adverse effects on our health.

Knowing how to reduce noise pollution can help us take care of our environment and enjoy the absence of noise at home or at the site (duty hour). Do you want to know what effects noise can have on your well-being? We will tell you.

hearing protection signage
hearing protection signage

What is noise pollution in short? 

Noise can be defined as the excess of sound or unwanted sound (and sound is defined as any pressure variation in the air, water or some other medium that the human ear can detect) that alters the normal conditions of the environment of a certain place. In other words, it is a noise that affects people's quality of life in different ways.

The main sources of noise are usually transported, construction works and, finally, industries.

The unit of sound measurement in Decibel (dB) and the device used to measure sound is called sound level meter, permissible exposure limit of noise level (measured in dB(A) and duration of exposure measured in an hour) for the human ear is:

In decibel scale




 Adding 3 dba reduce time by 50%














What are the effects of noise pollution on human health?

The health consequences of noise can vary from one situation to another, but, in general, they are summarized in the following:

  • Hearing loss (NIHL - noise-induced hearing loss) - Chronic
  • hearing ringing in the ears (tinnitus) - Acute
  • Psychological problems such as anxiety, stress or aggressiveness.
  • Physical problems such as increased blood pressure, heart rate, or breathing rate.

How to control noise exposure?

As you can see, noise effects that can be serious and have consequences in our daily life and routine. But do you know that it is also in your hands to avoid noise pollution whether off-site or on-site?


  • Change habits:
  • Using bicycle instead of motor vehicles
  • Avoid using the washing machine at night to avoid noise and disturb other people who may be resting.
  • Avoid talking loudly or yelling.
  • Control the volume of the television, radio or music you play at home, especially at night.
  • Properly insulate your home to avoid noise.


  • Isolation – Noise is not only transmitted from a source directly in the air. It is also transmitted mechanically from the source to the adjacent structure by direct physical transmission of vibration. This transmitted route can be interrupted by isolation.
  • Damping – Using material that has a higher damping capacity e.g., cast iron less ‘ring’ than steel. Applying a plastic layer can be used to damping sound.
  • Acoustic barrier – Wear ear protection when using noise-generating devices (Wearing an earplug or muff to reduced 30 dBA).
  • Audiometry Test - The test can show (how) hearing is being affected by high noise exposure.
  • Awareness and training - recognised the high noise area, posted signage with hazards pictogram to wear hearing protection and how to wear the hearing protection.

Note:- To know more details about occupational health and safety topics visit page 

ear muff and ear plug
hearing protection PPE

Enjoy the absence of noise, we should respect the silence and the rest of the people around us. You will see how you and your environment will soon see the results!

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