Job Safety Analysis for Scaffolding - JSA


 Job Safety Analysis

It is sometimes referred to as a JHA (job hazard analysis) or task analysis.
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What is Job Safety Analysis?

A specific risk assessment, written document, part of a safe system of work, step by step identifying the hazards of a specific task and decide on control measures to eliminate or minimize the hazard risks. It is sometimes referred to as a JHA (job hazard analysis) or task analysis.

A legal obligation of an employer to provide a safe workplace and equipment to protect workers and property, using JSA to identify hazards and precautions.

What are the basic steps of a JSA?

There are five steps of JSA

  1. Select a job

  2. Break the job into small activity/ job sequence
  3. Identify the hazards of each activity/step
  4. Decide on control measures
  5. Monitoring the effectiveness of the control measure 

How do I write a good JSA?

Follow the 5 steps of JSA

1. Select a job

Select a job with high risk, the potential for injury or illness such as the work at height or scaffolding erection, dismantle or modification,

2. Break the job into small activity/ steps

Scaffolding erection, dismantle or modification contains many individual tasks, try to spread the job into small activities. So clearly hazards are identified, such as:

  • Mobilization of personnel and material
  • Erection, dismantle, and modification
  • Housekeeping

3. Identify the hazards of each activity/step

Identify hazards such as slip, trip and fall, pinch point, manual handling risk, vehicle movement risk etc.

To identify hazards use the hierarchy of control

  • Elimination - Remove Risks
  • substitution - Replace hazards of risk
  • Engineering control - Isolate the people from risk
  • Administrative control - Train the personnel
  • PPE - Use last defence such as safety glass

4. Decide on control measures

Once identified hazards then decide suitable precautions to eliminate or minimize the risk of the hazards such as using the full body for work at height is a suitable precaution to eliminate fall hazards,

5. Monitoring the effectiveness of the control measure

Monitor what you have decided precautions are effectiveness? control measures are being implemented?

A new hazard or risk has identified, what about the review of the control measures?

Disclaimer:  "Job Safety Analysis for Scaffolding - JSA" has been prepared to help the students who want to make their carrier in the occupational health and safety field (SABIC or ARAMCO) in Saudi Arabia. It is not legal advice. It is not intended to replace the OSHA regulation or OSH regulation.

Read OSHA standard JSA

Sample JSA 

Job Safety Analysis for Scaffolding

Job Location

Safety Zone


Work Area

Scaffolding erection, dismantle or modification

Job activity sequence

 Step - 2

Identify the hazards

Step - 3

Control Measures

Step - 4





 Mobilization of personnel and material

          Untrained personnel

      x  Unauthorized entry into the plant

          Person or equipment run over by a truck

         Trained and authorized worker

         Obtain valid permit

         Follow risk assessment and method statement

        Competent and certified driver and flagman

         The vehicle should have an audible reverse alarm

         Follow speed limit






















Erection, dismantle, and modification

           Dropped object

           Hand and foot injury

          Personnel fall

          Scaffolding structure collapse

           Manual Handling

           Overhead obstruction

        Trained and authorized worker

         Obtain valid permit

         Follow risk assessment and method statement

         Conduct toolbox talks

         Barricade the area and post signage

         Safety coverage

         Proper supervision

         Use gin wheel, rope, and material basket for manual lifting

         Maintain proper communication during material handling

        Don’t keep material near the edge

      Tools are equipped with a lanyard

       Use a full-body harness and 100% tie-off lanyard with a substantial anchorage point

       Use proper PPE

       Use red tag during erection, dismantle and modification

       Use proper access

       Access egress always free from obstructions

       Do not overload scaffolding

       Stop the activity if the wind speed is high

       Keep a safe distance from the electric line (10 feet minimum) and excavation (1.5 *deep)

.     Avoid overreaching.   

     Use handling aids    

        Obtain good body posture

        Provide a safe technique of manual handling






3.        Housekeeping

           Slip, trip and fall   

           Unwanted material

           Improper stacking/storage

         Maintain good housekeeping

        Remove unwanted material from the site

         Usable material keeps in temporary material storage area with hard barricade and signage

         Proper stacking to avoid the line of fire


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