SABIC safety officer interview questions


SABIC safety officer interview questions: Facing an interview question safety is not always easy. We recommend a good preparation of what are the questions asked in the safety officer interviews. Below are  SABIC interview questions and answers for the safety officer. With this blog, the 20 most common safety job interview questions are asked in SABIC-affiliated plants in Saudi Arabia. These questions are based on my 12 years of experience in occupational health and safety at SABIC. You’ll be ready to land a new job.

SABIC safety officer interview questions

SABIC safety officer interview questions Tips

Now that you know how to answer the most common safety officer interview questions, you need to prepare for other aspects of the interview.

  • Prepare your resume and bring one to the interview.
  • Answer questions calmly and confidently.
  • Dress elegantly.
  • Know the work scope of the company before going to the interview.
  • Listen carefully to the interviewer.
  • Be close and greet with a handshake.
  • At the end of the interview, ask questions and show interest.

What are the questions asked in safety officer interviews? 

When you go to a safety officer interview, it is common for the interviewer to have previously analyzed your resume and to ask you resume-related questions first. So you must read carefully your CV and prepare to answer related to what you mention in your CV. In addition, you will also have to answer questions associated with your professional career such as where you worked before, company name, plant name, period of work etc.

The most common questions asked by the interviewer relating to safety:

  1. What is your experience as a safety officer?

The answer to this question is already on your resume, but the interviewer will want to know more details about your previous experience. Remember to mention in which plant and type of work. The interviewer also wants to know from you SABIC safety rules.

Sample answer: “I have more than six years of experience as a safety officer. In my last job, I was part of the team for six months to shut down 3 furnaces in the Kemya plant in Jubail. In this position, I understood the importance of protecting not only people’s health and safety but also plants and property.

This experience gave me an in-depth knowledge of the Sabic safety rules, where I face many challenges related to health and safety. I have also been a safety officer at Saudi Aramco in the Shadgum gas plant for one year, installation of the pump station. Sir, I mostly work in SABIC-affiliated petrochemical plants in Jubail such as Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Zahar, Sabtank, Sasref etc. and also in Yanbu in Yansab, Yanpet, Gas etc.”

  1. How do you monitor your work location?

Sample answer: “In my job as a safety officer I have been always proactive, closely monitoring unsafe acts, unsafe conditions and behaviour. If I observe something unsafe, immediately report it to the concerned supervisor and try my best to immediately rectification. 

Always advise workers on safe work practices and compliance with health and safety rules and regulations. Where I am assigned I focus on making a safety culture within the organization where every worker thinks about their safety as well as their crew member’s safety.” 

I think it is very important not to have distractions and to have a previously prepared action plan that can be put into action when needed.

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  1. hazard assessment control form
  2. Last-minute risk assessment

3. Do you consider yourself a good team player?

Safety officers often work in a team, so the ideal candidate must know how to communicate and coordinate with other workers and management. In this safety officer interview question, you should highlight your ability to work with colleagues, leadership, and communication skills.

Sample response: “I like working with other colleagues and consider myself an empathetic person. I think it is important to establish a cordial relationship with the rest of the workers since there can be difficult situations in which we have to act as a team and coordinate to protect a person, property and environment”.

4. What are the steps in job safety analysis?

Sample response: Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is part of many existing hazard identification and accident prevention programs. The five steps of JSA are:

  • Select a specific task.
  • Breaks down the task into basic steps
  • Identifies the hazards associated with each step.
  • Decide controls for each hazard.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of control measures.

5. What is permitted into the work system and how many permits and work plans are in SABIC?

Sample response: A written formal document that authorizes a person or group to perform maintenance, inspection, testing, or construction work in a restricted area. A permit is issued for a specific task, specific location, specific tools and specific date and time. 


There are 8 types of permits in SABIC

  • General work permit
  • Hot work permit
  • Confined space entry permit
  • Electrical permit
  • Radiography permit
  • Lifting permit
  • Excavation permit
  • HPJ permit (high-pressure jetting permit)

There are three work plans:

  1. Lifting plan
  2. Excavation clearance
  3. LOTO certificate

6. What are a confined space and its requirements?

Sample response: Any area that is not designed for occupied by personnel, has limited means of access and egress and may be subject to the hazards of oxygen deficiency or the accumulation of flammable or toxic gases or dust. Examples of confined spaces such as Tanks, Vessels, Columns, Silos, Wells, Excavation, boilers, Submarine Pipes, Reactors, etc.

Requirements of confined space:

  • LOTO, Purging, Ventilation, lighting (24 volts only)
  • Gas test, entry permit, entry attendant with a log sheet and air horn
  • Training, LMRA, barricade, signage, emergency contact number
  • Emergency rescue equipment – SCBA, harness, rope, tripod etc.
  • The rescue plan, ventilation plan, evacuation plan
  • Blind list, P&ID, approved JSA, radio, pocket oxygen detector device.

7. What are the hazards of confined space?

Sample response SABIC safety officer interview questions

  • Oxygen deficiency.
  • Presence of toxic and flammable gases.
  • Engulfment
  • Inadequate lighting and ventilation
  • Limited access and egress

8. What is a near-miss report?

Sample response: Near-miss means so far nothing happened, apparently no loss, just missed, but if it is not controlled, an accident may occur. Report the near-miss to make it possible to analyze near-miss causes and find the root cause, develop corrective measures and implement them to prevent a recurrence. 

9. What is LOTO?

Sample response: The LOTO procedure is used to prevent the unexpected startup of machinery or the release of stored energy during maintenance. The procedure of applying a LOTO on energy-isolating equipment is to ensure the equipment does not operate until the lock or tag is removed. 

There are two types of isolation:

  1. Primary energy isolation – Electrical
  2. Stored energy isolation – Mechanical

10. What is risk assessment and describe the five steps of risk assessment?

Sample response: The formal document is prepared before work begins to identify the hazards, assess the risks arising from hazards and find the necessary corrective measures to protect the people, plants and environment. 

The five steps of risk assessment are:

  1. Identify the hazards
  2. Who might be harmed and how
  3. Evaluate the risk
  4. Decide on control measures and implement them.
  5. Review the risk assessment if the condition changes.

11. What is a lower explosive limit (LEL)?

Sample response: The lower explosive limit (LEL) of a gas or vapour is the lowest concentration (in the air) that needs an ignition source to explode. Propane LEL is 2.1% and UEL is 9.5%. For example, propane can explode when it reaches 2.1 per cent of air, by volume in the presence of ignition sources. At 2.1% propane by volume has reached 100% of its lower explosive limit. Explosive gas concentrations are often given in terms of a per cent lower explosive limit (%LEL). More than 10% of LEL is considered IDLH.

12. What is the difference between TLV, TWA, STEL, PEL and REL?

Sample response:

The Threshold Limit Value (TLV) is a reasonable level of substances to which a worker can be repeatedly exposed (8 hours), day after day, during their working life without adverse health effects. The TLV term is set by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).

A Time Weighted Average (TWA) is a TLV based on an 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek. For example, the TWA of carbon monoxide is 25 ppm. This means that an average of 25 ppm is considered to be the safe TLV for an 8-hour workday.

A short-term exposure limit (STEL) is a TLV based on a 15-minute average.

Permissible exposure (PEL) limits are set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). A PEL is usually given as a time-weighted average (TWA), although some are short-term exposure limits (STELs) or maximum limits.

RELs or Recommended Exposure Limits are also a time-weighted average (TWA) established by NIOSH for an employee’s exposure to a substance or physical agent for an eight-hour workday. 

  1. How dangerous are ammonia fumes?

Sample response: Ammonia is widely used as a refrigerant gas, as well as in the fertilizer industry. A colourless gas with a strong, pungent, intensely irritating odour and a colourless liquid under pressure is not considered a flammable gas. However, a large and intense energy source can cause ignition and/or explosion.

Ammonia gas is a CORROSIVE GAS and can be fatal if inhaled. May cause lung injury and liquefied gas may cause frostbite and corrosive injury to eyes and skin. Ammonia gas is a severe respiratory tract irritant. Most people can detect it by smelling between 0.6 and 53 ppm. 

Short-term exposure to concentrations above 1,500 ppm can cause pulmonary oedema, a life-threatening fluid buildup in the lungs. Symptoms of pulmonary oedema (chest tightness and shortness of breath) may not develop until 1-24 hours after exposure. The TWA set by ACGIH for ammonia is 25 ppm. The STEL is 35 ppm.

  1. What is a hierarchy of control in occupational health and safety?

Sample response: The hierarchy of controls according to ISO 45001: 2018 is intended to provide a systematic approach to increase occupational safety and health, eliminate hazards, and reduce or control health and safety risks.  It is common practice to combine various controls to reduce health and safety risks to a level that is as low as reasonably achievable. The following examples are provided to illustrate the measures that can be implemented at each level. 


  1. Elimination: eliminate the dangers. Stop the use of dangerous chemicals. Apply ergonomic approaches when planning new workplaces. Eliminate monotonous work or work that causes negative stress.
  2. Substitution: replace the dangerous with the less dangerous. Adapt to technical progress (e.g., replace solvent-based paint with water-based paint, lower voltage requirements for equipment).
  3. Engineering Controls: Isolate people from danger. Implement collective protection measures (e.g. isolation, machine guarding, and ventilation systems). Protect people from falling from a height through the use of safety barriers.
  4. Administrative controls including training: carry out regular inspections of equipment. Conduct training to prevent incidents. Carry out induction training. Implement a permit-to-work system. Provide instructions on how to report incidents and non-conformities without fear of retaliation.
  5. PPE: it is considered the last defence. For example, ear plugs or ear muffs related to hearing protection, respirators for preventing respiratory disorders, gloves for hand protection etc. Provide appropriate instructions to workers about the safe use of PPE.

SHEM-08.01 General EHSS Rules

  1. What are the hazards of H2S?

Sample response: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a toxic gas and the health hazard depends on both the duration of exposure and the concentration. It is found in low-lying areas such as confined spaces, excavated areas etc. due to it being heavier than air. This gas is irritating to the lungs and in low concentrations irritates the eyes and respiratory tract. Exposure can cause headaches, fatigue, and dizziness.

The sense of smell tracks H2S when concentrations are below the dangerous level, so people may have little warning of the presence of the gas in harmful concentrations. Large concentrations can cause paralysis of the respiratory control system, causing respiratory arrest, which can lead to death.

  1. What is NFPA 704 diamond?

Sample response: The National Fire Protection Association of the United States (NFPA) designed NFPA 704 as a standard for hazard identification of substances or materials. This standard will provide a simple, easily recognizable and understandable identification system to give an overview of the hazards of a material and the severity of these hazards in emergency response. 

The NFPA 704 standard is a section of four parts of different colours, that indicates the degrees of the danger of the substance to be classified and the meaning of each colour:

  1. Blue for health hazards,
  2. Red for flammability danger,
  3. Yellow for the danger of instability and
  4. White for specific hazards such as corrosive.

The system will indicate the degree of seriousness with a numerical classification that goes from zero to four, to indicate danger, zero indicates no danger, 1 for minor, 2 for medium, 3 for major, and 4 for deadly. 

  1. What is SDS in health and safety?

Hazardous Substances Information Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a document that gives detailed information about the nature of a chemical substance, such as its physical and chemical properties, and information on health, safety and environmental hazards that the chemical may cause. SDS contains 16 sections are:

  1. The Product and Company Identification section includes basic product identification information, including the manufacturer and/or distributor’s name, address, telephone number etc.
  2. The hazard identification section includes the hazards of the chemical as well as the required labelling.
  3. The composition information section contains information about the chemical’s ingredients.
  4. The first-aid measures section includes information related to symptoms and first-aid treatment.
  5. The firefighting measures section specifies proper extinguishing agents and techniques, special risks associated with fire, and advice for firefighters.
  6. The accidental release measures section lists emergency procedures, protective equipment, and proper methods of containment and cleanup.
  7. The Handling and Storage section lists precautions for safe handling and storage (including incompatibilities).
  8. The Exposure Controls and Personal Protection section specifies Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs), Threshold Limit Values (TLVs), Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and appropriate engineering controls.
  9. The physical and chemical properties section provides basic information on physical and chemical properties, e.g. pH, melting point, etc.
  10. The stability and reactivity section specifies the reactivity and stability properties of the chemical.
  11. The toxicological information section includes measures of toxicity as well as information on toxicological effects, including routes of exposure, related symptoms, and acute and chronic effects.
  12. The ecological information section provides information related to ecological toxicity.
  13. The disposal considerations section provides information on waste management/treatment methods and containment.
  14. The transportation information section contains DOT transportation information.
  15. The regulatory information section identifies safety, health, and environmental regulations.
  16. The other information section includes the last revision date. This section can also specify where the changes were made (relative to the previous version).

18. What are the lifesaving rules of SABIC?

The purpose of Life-Saving Rules (LSR) is to prevent fatal accidents. SABIC has been created so that, both staff and workers who work with SABIC are safe. They have analyzed serious accidents and risks in their affiliated plant and have developed ten Life-Saving Rules to prevent accidents.

The Rules for Saving Lives are a framework and guide for working safely. Therefore, all those who work with SABIC – not only their employees but also the employees of contractors must know the 10 Rules for saving lives and implement them in their daily work.

When any of the Life Saving Rules are breached, the result will be termination or blacklist from SABIC affiliated plant. Always follow all the rules, for your safety and that of others.

Life-Saving Rules in safety (LSR) are:

  1. A safe system of work
  2. Confined space
  3. Work at height
  4. Lifting operation
  5. Line break
  6. Energy isolation
  7. Created opening
  8. Disabling safety system
  9. Vehicle safety
  10. Management of change

19. What is SHEM in SABIC?

SHEM 08 is a safe work practice in SABIC. SHEM 08 has 11 sections:

  1. General HSE rules
  2. Laboratory HSE rules
  3. Material handling and storage
  4. Road transportation of materials
  5. Electrical safety
  6. Lifting equipment
  7. Tools handling
  8. PPEs
  9. Working at height
  10. Work permit
  11. LOTTO

20. What factors consider critical lifting, confined space entry and excavation?

Critical lifting:

  • Lifting of RT equipment.
  • Any lifting exceeds 75% of the crane’s rated capacity.
  • Tandem lifting.
  • Lifting over-energized or hydrocarbon-pressurized areas

Critical confined space:

  • Working with engulfment materials
  • Vertical entry of more than 1.5 meters
  • Where additional standby is required due to lack of visibility of entrant or big size of equipment. 

Critical excavation:

  1. Excavation of more than 3 meters
  2. Excavation within 15 meters of hydrocarbon areas

Experience holder safety officer can answer 

What is your understanding of the role of a safety officer?

A safety officer is responsible for ensuring the safety of all employees and visitors to a workplace. This includes identifying and mitigating hazards, enforcing safety regulations, and conducting safety training.

What are your qualifications for this role?

OSHA, IOSH, NEBOSH, IDIP etc. In addition to a strong understanding of safety principles and practices, a safety officer should also have experience in risk assessment, incident investigation, and safety training. They should also be able to communicate effectively with employees and management.

What are your thoughts on the importance of safety culture?

A safety culture is an environment where safety is valued and everyone is committed to preventing accidents and injuries. A strong safety culture is essential for any workplace that wants to reduce its risk of accidents.

What are some of the challenges you have faced in previous safety roles?

One of the biggest challenges of being a safety officer is dealing with employee resistance to safety regulations. Some employees may see safety measures as inconvenient or unnecessary, and it can be difficult to get them to comply.

How would you handle a situation where an employee is violating a safety regulation?

The first step is to speak to the employee privately and explain the importance of following the regulation. If the employee continues to violate the regulation, you may need to issue a written warning or take other disciplinary action.

What are some of the things you would do to improve safety in your workplace?

Some of the things I would do to improve safety in my workplace include:

  • Conducting regular safety audits to identify and mitigate hazards
  • Enforcing safety regulations
  • Providing safety training to employees
  • Creating a culture of safety where everyone is committed to preventing accidents and injuries

Do you have any questions for me?

It is always a good idea to ask questions at the end of an interview. This shows that you are interested in the position and that you have thought about the role. Some good questions to ask include:

  • What are the biggest challenges facing the safety department?
  • What are your expectations for the new safety officer?
  • What is the company’s commitment to safety?


To conclude your safety officer interview, you should thank the interviewer for their time and express your continued interest in the position. You may also want to reiterate your qualifications and why you would be a good fit for the role.

Here is an example:

“Thank you for your time today. I enjoyed learning more about the safety officer position and your company. I am eager to discuss this opportunity further and learn more about how I can contribute to your company’s safety goals.”

By following these tips, you can make a positive impression on the interviewer and increase your chances of getting the job. Here are some additional tips for a successful safety officer interview:

  • Dress professionally.
  • Be on time.
  • Be prepared to answer questions about your experience, qualifications, and knowledge of safety principles and practices.
  • Be enthusiastic about the position and the company.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting the job and making a positive contribution to the safety of your workplace. By preparing for a safety officer interview and answering common questions thoughtfully, you can increase your chances of getting the job.

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