What is life saving rules of SABIC?


What is life saving rules of SABIC? They are an indicator of high-risk activity SABIC provide a framework and guidance for safe work practice. The Life Saving Rules in Safety are based on an analysis of incidents within the SABIC project and maintenance in recent years. SABIC has analyzed the activities which can cause frequent accidents. So, developed life-saving rules to prevent injuries in the future from the activities.

What is life saving rules of SABIC?
All life-saving rules must be complied with as and when related activity is being carried out.

  • The goal is to prevent harm to people.
  • Indication of High-risk operations at work.
  • Mandatory compliance for work-related safety.
  • Each LSR rules breach will be investigated
  • Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.
  • Respect and give safety awards who follow the LSR rules.

We have to increase accountability in our work while recognizing safe and good behaviour across our operations. LSR Rules – You and me: 

  • We comply with the law, regulations and procedures
  • We intervene in acts of non-compliance or unsafe actions and conditions
  • The goal of Zero Accidents refers to people not suffering any harm

What is 10 life saving rules of SABIC?

Specific to oil and gas and petrochemicals, you obviously will not want to put yourself in a situation where work accidents are going to be more likely to happen. The most important thing you can do is to protect the safety of yourself and those around you.

These basic rules relate to the highest-risk activities in our day-to-day operations. This will remind employees to adhere the safe work practices to avoid personal injuries.

  1. A safe system of work: Work with a valid permit and permit attachment.
  2. Entry into confined space: Obtain authorization before entering a confined space. Follow the rules for working in toxic gas environments
  3. Work at height: Protect yourself against a fall when working at a height.
  4. Lifting operation: Plan lifting operations and control the area. keep yourself and others out of the line of fire. 
  5. Line break: Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins
  6. Energy isolation: Verify isolation (LOTO) and zero energy before work begins.
  7. Created opening: Make sure hard barricade and signage
  8. Disabling safety system: Obtain authorization before disabling safety controls
  9. Vehicle safety: Follow safe driving rules.
  10. Management of change: Obtain authorization before any change.
  1. A safe system of work

Take a valid permit with all attachments. Permits are not only a legal requirement, but they also signify that you have the skills to get the job done.

  • In tasks that require a work permit, do not start working until you have an authorized permit, and understand the associated risks and prevention measures.
  • Make sure that all the safety measures established in the permit have been implemented. 
  • Inform all those involved and affected by the work before starting.
  • Always follow what is indicated in the work permit and remember that you can only carry out the activity specifically described in it.
  • In the event of a change in working conditions or case of emergency, stop safely and consult your supervisor. 
  • Once the work is finished, it verifies that the safety measures and the housekeeping of the area are adequate and then requests the close permit.
  • Follow the job safety analysis/risk assessment

You and me:

  • I have confirmed if a permit is required.
  • I am authorized to perform the work.
  • I understand the hazards and precautions.
  • I have confirmed that hazards are controlled and it is safe to start.
  • I stop and reassess if conditions change.
  1. Entry into a confined space

In most cases, you will not only have to obtain authorization from an operation department, but you will also need training to be able to enter confined spaces. The reason for this rule is to make sure that someone knows where you are going and can track your time from when you enter the confined space to when it’s time to come out.

  • Make sure that you understand and apply all the safety measures indicated in the entry permit before entering a confined space. 
  • Check that the confined space is equipped with LOTO and purged.
  • Do not access or allow access to the confined space without the entry permit until completed, authorized and communicated to those involved.
  • Make sure the confined space atmosphere is tested and verified at the beginning and during the works. 
  • Check that you have the necessary personal protective equipment.
  • Make sure you know and understand the procedures for action in the event of an emergency and that the emergency standby equipment is available.
  • Check that there is someone outside ready to help you if you need it and that you can communicate without difficulty. 
    Use the appropriate respiratory protection equipment and continuously monitor the atmosphere when required by the work permit.
  • If the conditions in the confined space atmosphere change during work, suspend your task in safe mode, leave immediately and consult your supervisor.
  • Make sure proper ventilation, lighting and access.
  • Make sure the signage is posted at the manway.
  • Make sure you have a rescue plan, blind list, P&ID and ventilation plan.
  • Make sure the entry attendant is assigned an air horn and entry log sheet.
  • Make sure all entrants have the training for emergency evacuation.
  • If you are going to welding, must know the welding hazards and precautions.
  1. Work at height

Use the Right PPE when Working at Height. Signage will be posted on any part of the job at the site. Where you are required to tie off to ensure that you do not injure yourself as a result of falling from a height.

  • Do not start work at height without an authorized procedure, or permit that includes a risk hazard identification and control form. 
  • If you work at height or on mobile equipment, you must use a harness.
  • Make sure that the full-body harness is in good condition and that you use it correctly.
  • Use only inspected scaffolding and ladders. 
  • To raise and lower objects always use a bag or tool holder that allows you to have your hands free. 
  • Your harness should be constantly attached to a fixed anchor point, ideally above your head, that can support your weight in the event of a fall.
  • Do not forget barricade, signage, rescue rope or ladder and 100% tie-off
  1. Lifting operation

  • Uses an approved lifting plan.
  • Inspects slings, shackles and other lifting and anchoring gears and rejects those that are not in good condition. 
  • Check that the load does not exceed the maximum allowable load of the lifting equipment. 
  • Barricade the lifting areas and post signage and never access or allow access to others.
  • Make sure everyone involved in the operation knows and understands the communication systems. 
  • Minimize the presence of people in the work area and never stand under the suspended load, nor allow anyone else to do so.
  • Use a tagline to guide the load and never touch it with your hands while it is suspended.
  • Make sure you are in an adequate physical and mental condition to perform the job.
  • Make sure you are properly trained by a third party before doing any lifting operation.
  • Think of all possible risks before starting any activity. Stop work and ask your supervisor for support if you notice an unexpected or unacceptable risk.
  • Follow procedures and never take shortcuts. 
  • Use the proper personal protective equipment and never modify it.
  • Wear fall protection equipment when working at height.
  • Correctly use the appropriate lifting gears for each task. Never remove or modify them.
  • Operate cranes only if you have the proper driving license and third-party certification and follow internal traffic rules. 
  • Keep a proper distance from moving vehicles. 
  • If you operate a crane, keep your attention on the load.
  • Report all accidents, incidents, potential incidents, and unsafe acts or conditions

5. Line break

A line break is the intentional opening of a pipeline or process line that contains material causing potential injury and damage to the environment. This activity requires great caution to reduce the risk to people and the environment.

  • PPE – Make sure you have the recommended PPE, especially a face shield.
  • LOCKOUT/TAG-OUT – If a lockout is required, make sure you fully understand what is being locked out and follow the required lockout procedures.
  • Make sure the line is drained. 
  • Make sure proper information, instruction, training and supervision.
  • Check each item: Each section must be checked. This will help identify tools (none spark), PPE, and any other safety issues you may encounter while doing the job.
  • Obtain a valid permit, 
  • Location: You need to know where the work is being done. This will allow you to become familiar with the layout of the area, exits, safety showers, and first aid locations.
  • What’s on the line: This will help you understand what the normal contents, temperature and pressure of the contents are.
  • SDS in hand: Sections 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 are probably the most referenced sections when breaking lines, but you should review each section of every SDS you use.
  • Know the emergency shower and call point.
  • Make sure you have a spill kit.
  • Barricade and signage to prevent unauthorized entry.
  • Make sure the operation is present at the first break.
  • Keep out of the line of fire such as the sudden release of fluid or gas.
  • Plan to dispose of residual liquid.
  • Inform ERT before opening.

6. Energy isolation

  • Use isolation systems (LOTO) to keep yourself safe from dangers such as electricity.
  • Check that the electrical isolations have been installed in the identified places and ensure they are secured with a padlock and marked.
  • Make sure that there is no “energy” (electricity) and verify that the isolation is effective.
  • Inform all those potentially affected by the isolation and blocking operations.
  • Be aware of electrical hazards.

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins

  • I have identified energy sources.
  • I confirm that energy sources have been isolated, locked and tagged.
  • I have checked there is zero energy and tested for residual.
  1. Created opening

If you create an opening, protect it. Before opening, hard barricade and make visible the work area and post signage to keep people away. Barricades around a created opening must be a minimum of forty-two inches high, contain a mid-rail and top-rail, and maintain a 200-pound load-bearing capacity. Toe boards are recommended at all times and are required if someone is to work below the hole.

If the hole is not protected, it must be covered. The cover must be capable of supporting at least a 200-pound load, be larger than the opening, be secured against shifting, and post a signage “Floor Opening, Do Not Remove.” Never cover a hole with any type of non-substantial material, such as paper, cardboard, or plastic.

If you find a hole, immediately expose it for others to see, cover it with a barricade or post someone to warn others of the danger, and immediately notify your supervisor. Even shallow holes can cause injury.

If you are engaging in work near the created opening or creating an opening, wear the full body harness and barricade the beneath the opening. Make sure your tools are equipped with lanyards to avoid falling.

  1. Disabling safety system

Disabling a safety system means making it inoperable or ineffective. This can be done by physically removing or disabling the safety system, or by bypassing it through electronic or other means. Disabling a safety system can be a very dangerous thing to do, as it can lead to serious injuries or death.

There are a number of reasons why someone might disable a safety system. In some cases, it may be done accidentally, such as when a worker does not properly secure a guardrail or fails to follow proper lockout/tagout procedures. In other cases, it may be done intentionally, such as when a worker is trying to save time or money, or when they are trying to bypass a safety system that they believe is unnecessary.

Regardless of the reason, disabling a safety system is never a good idea. It is important to always follow safety procedures and to use all safety equipment properly. If you have any questions about safety, please ask your supervisor or a qualified safety professional.

Get Authorization Before Disabling Safety Equipment. If you’re working on a job where you have to disable the safety equipment to get the task done, you must receive authorization.

  1. Vehicle safety

  • Plan your trip, evaluate the risks of the journey and avoid distractions at all times.
  • Carry out a preliminary inspection of the vehicle and plan your journeys taking into account the rest periods and the environmental and road conditions.
  • Do not drive if you have drunk alcohol or if you have used substances, including medications that impair your ability to drive.
  • Always wear your seatbelt and make sure everyone travelling with you does too.
  • Respect the applicable traffic regulations.
  • Do not handle mobile phone browsers or any other type of device while driving.
  • Always park in a designated area.
  • Use flag man in reverse driving.
  • Make sure the vehicle movement certificate and gas test before entry into hydrocarbon areas or where flammable gas is present.
  1. Management of change

A MOC is used to ensure that environmental, health and safety risks are carefully assessed and controlled before significant changes in a plant’s existing design. The MOC process allows employers to identify potential new hazards that could result from these changes.

How to perform management of change:

  • Take authorization
  • Acknowledge the proposed changes.
  • Assess hazards and risks.
  • Determine if hazards and risks can be reduced, controlled, or eliminated.
  • Implement changes if it is determined safe to do so.
  • Perform last-minute risk assessment (LMRA).
  • Train workers on the implemented changes.
  • Follow procedures and continue to evaluate changes.

 Health and safety topics

  1. Principle of fire extinguishing methods
  2. ILO OSH Elements


In conclusion, SABIC’s life-saving rules are designed to help employees stay safe in the workplace. By following these rules, employees can help to prevent accidents and injuries. The purpose of life-saving rules are:

  • Be aware of your surroundings: Watch out for hazards such as confined spaces, work at height, moving objects, and vehicles.
  • Follow safety SABIC procedures: Safety procedures are designed to keep you safe. Always follow them.
  • Report any hazards to your supervisor: If you see a hazard, report it to your supervisor so that it can be fixed.

By following these rules, you can help to keep yourself safe in the workplace.

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